Session Details

[2K12-16]Vitrification 1

Thu. Sep 12, 2024 3:35 PM - 4:55 PM JST
Thu. Sep 12, 2024 6:35 AM - 7:55 AM UTC
Room K(Recture RoomsB 2F B200)
Chair:Kazuyoshi Uruga(CRIEPI)

[2K12]Study on vitrification plan of high level liquid waste in the TVF(8)Operation results and evaluations of the TVF glass melter

*Seima Suzuki1, Hikaru Ohtaka1, Shigeki Fukuda1, Atsushi Miyauchi1, Hirotaka Sumi1 (1. JAEA)

[2K13]Study on vitrification plan of high level liquid waste in the TVF(9)Consideration of operating parameters for the new glass melter

*Masaya Tone1, Daiki Shiramizu1, Nanako Katsuoka1, Yusuke Aoyama1, Koshi Miyata1, Shigeki Fukuda1, Hikaru Ohtaka1, Hidekazu Kobayashi1, Akira Kodaka1 (1. JAEA)

[2K14]Study on vitrification plan of high level liquid waste in the TVF(10) Discharging behavior for platinum group elements for the new glass melter

*Yusuke Aoyama1, Masaya Tone1, Daiki Shiramizu1, Nanako Katsuoka1, Koshi Miyata1, Shigeki Hukuda1, Hikaru Ohtaka1, Hidekazu Kobayashi1, Akira Kodaka1 (1. JAEA)

[2K15]Study on vitrification plan of high level liquid waste in the TVF(11) Simulation of a start-up heating using updated material data for a new glass melter

*Yoshimitsu Asahi1, Akira Kodaka1 (1. JAEA)

[2K16]Investigation of chemical state of uranium contained in borosilicate glass(2) Uranium reduction using graphite crucible

*Nanako Katsuoka1, Takayuki Nagai1, Yoshihiro Okamoto1, Daisuke Akiyama2, Nobuaki Sato2, Akira Kirishima2 (1. JAEA, 2. Tohoku Univ.)

Time reserved for Chair