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[2L02]Development of ultramicro analysis technology for fuel debris analysis(27) Characterization of microstructures in a simulated debris using AC-TEM (Ⅱ)
*Kenta Yoshida1, Satoru Matsuo1, Hiroyuki Kazama2, Yoshiya Homma1, Kenji Konashi1, Yasuyoshi Nagai1, Yusuke Miura3, Toru Higuchi3 (1. Tohoku University, 2. Osaka University, 3. NFD)
Simulated fuel debris,(Zr,U)O2,TEM
The distribution of Fe atoms in simulated fuel debris and the microstructure of two types of Fe-containing (U, Zr)O2 simulated fuel debris fired in oxidising and reducing atmospheres were investigated using spherical aberration corrected transmission electron microscopy (AC-TEM) in order to obtain the structural and compositional information necessary for estimating the temperature and atmosphere during the generation of fuel debris.
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