Presentation Information
[2L17]Estimation of contamination infiltrated through building concrete(1) Method for evaluating contamination infiltrated into concrete
*Kazuyuki Torii1, Yuki Sasaki1, Hitoshi Nakashima1, Norikazu Kinoshita1, Hirohumi Noguchi2, Hikaru Takada2 (1. Shimizu Corporation, 2. The Japan Atomic Power Company)
Infiltrated contamination,Building concrete,Distribution equilibrium model,Distribution coefficient,Depth distribution
In nuclear power plants, there are areas where building concrete is contaminated by liquid waste, etc. For decommissioning, it is necessary to evaluate the extent of contamination and depth of penetration in advance, and remove the contaminated concrete by excavation, etc. In order to evaluate the contamination penetration, it is necessary to collect and analyze concrete cores, but in order to evaluate the contamination penetration distributed over a wide area, it is necessary to collect and analyze a large number of concrete cores. In order to efficiently evaluate contamination penetration into concrete, the authors focused on the fact that contaminants repeatedly dissolve and adsorb into the liquid and solid phases, and developed a model for concrete penetration using a distribution equilibrium model. This evaluation method allows the depth of contamination penetration to be estimated from the surface dose of the building concrete, thereby reducing the work required to collect and analyze concrete cores.
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