Presentation Information
[2M04]Sorption and desorption of Cs onto river sediment in wet and wet-dry environments
*Saki Ohira1, Takuma Sawaguchi1, Taro Shimada1, Seiji Takeda1 (1. JAEA)
Biosphere,Radionuclides migration,Surface water,Suspended particle,Cs,Sorption,Desorption,Ageing
In the assessment of radionuclide migration for radioactive waste disposal, it is important to understand the degree of influence that the sorption of nuclides onto suspended particles and the migration of suspended particles themselves have on the nuclide migration assessment and to reflect this in the assessment as necessary. Therefore, in this study, tests on the sorption and desorption of Cs onto suspended particles were carried out using river sediment soil, and the effects of the sorption environment and conditions on the amount of sorption and desorption were investigated. The results showed that the sorption of radioactive Cs depended on the environmental conditions during sorption (e.g. wet and dry environment, solid-liquid ratio, coexisting ion concentration, etc.).
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