Presentation Information
[2M08]Potential of the application of anionic adsorbents to geological disposal of TRU waste
*Hitoshi Owada1, Hiroyoshi Ueda1, Tsubasa Yagi1, Hanon Saito3, Sho Harasaki3, Noriko Asanuma3, Akihito Asano2, Syougo Uchiyama2, Tsuyoshi Arai2 (1. RWMC, 2. Shibaura Institute of Technology, 3. Tokai University)
Geological disposal,TRU waste,anion,adsorbent,requirement
In the geological disposal of TRU waste, anionic nuclides have a large impact on safety assessment. This is because these nuclides have long half-lives and poor sorption to engineered barrier materials, so migration retardation effects cannot be expected. An effective measure to reduce the impact of anionic nuclides is to use adsorbents that have the ability to adsorb these nuclides, but it has been considered difficult to develop adsorbents that can be used in the strong reducing environment deep underground and the alkaline environment caused by barrier materials.On the other hand, in recent years, products that claim to adsorb anions have become commercially available in the fields of soil improvement and water quality improvement, and we have been investigating the applicability of these products.In this presentation, we compare the required performance determined by a sensitivity analysis using the distribution coefficients of the buffer material and filler as parameters with the adsorption performance of those adsorbents for anions, and report the results of our consideration of the applicability of anionic adsorbents to geological disposal.
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