Presentation Information

[2M11]Sophistication of Technology for Assessment of the Influence of Topographical Changes due to River Denudations on Underground and Surface Environments

*Makoto KAWAMURA1, Nariaki NISHIYAMA1, Tetsuya KOMATSU1, Hua JIA2, Yukiko KOIZUMI2, Satsuki KABASAWA1, Koji UMEDA3 (1. JAEA, 2. MMTEC, 3. Hirosaki Univ.)


Geological Disposal,Uplift and Denudation,River Denudation,Biosphere Assessment,Topographic Change Simulation,Topographical analysis,River cross section,Runoff Index

In performance assessment of geological disposal of HLW, the impact of long-term changes in the surface environment, including topography caused by uplift and denudation, is important because the assessment period exceeds hundreds of thousands of years. One of the effects of uplift and denudation on the assessment of nuclide migration is the change in the location of groundwater discharge and recharge areas due to changes in topographical relief, which is expected to affect the biosphere assessment process. As a tool to examine this issue, a “Analytical Tool of Evolution of Topography and Repository Depth” has been developed. On the other hand, it is necessary to verify how realistic the terrain created by this tool is for the performance assessment of the repository. In particular, there are few studies on transverse landforms formed by river cross section. In this report, we attempted a similar topographical analysis using actual and virtual topographical data for rivers, and report the results of a comparison and examination with river cross sections and runoff indexes, which are basic information necessary for performance assessment of disposal sites.


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