Presentation Information

[2N02]Enhancement of Analysis Method for Important Phenomena of Severe Accident at Reprocessing Plant(D-13) Development of Gray Gas Emissivity Correlation for Radiative Heat Transfer Analysis

*Kouya Ganaha1, Hisayuki Kyo1, Daisuke Fujiwara1, Hiroshi Shirai1, Takashi Kodama2, Yoshikazu Tamauchi2, Naoya Satou2 (1. TEPSYS, 2. JNFL)


Boiling and drying out accident,FATE,Radiation,Emissivity,Gray gases,HITRAN

Emissivity evaluation of gray gases for radiation calculations model was developed for the boiling and drying out accident analysis code FATE. The correlation equations for the gray gases emissivity depending on “temperature” and “pressure x gas thickness” were obtained using the absorption line spectrum calculation database HITRAN.


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