Presentation Information
[2N12]Challenge for screening of nuclear fuel debris by innovative spectral imaging and its verification by LIBS mapping(3) Elemental mapping by remotely operated LIBS
*Hironori Ohba1, Munkhbat Batsaikhan1, Katsuaki Akaoka1, Takahiro Karino1, Yoshihiro Iwata1, Ikuo Wakaida1, Chisato Sakaguchi2, Kan Sakamoto2, Hiroaki Muta3 (1. JAEA, 2. NFD, 3. Osaka Univ.)
Remote analysis,Fiber delivered microchip LIBS,Laser-induced acoustic wave,2D elemental mapping
We propose the combination of Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) as a method for remotely analyzing materials in the 1F reactor. Two-dimensional elemental mapping measurements were attempted on oxide samples using a fiber-delivered microchip LIBS probe. The measurements showed that using laser-induced acoustic waves to adjust the laser beam focus effectively obtains optimal LIBS spectra.
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