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[2O13]Quantification of radiation-induced segregation in type 316 Stainless Steel by STEM-EDS mapping using the ζ-factor method

*Yuichi Miyahara1, Masaya Kozuka1, Tomohiro Kobayashi1 (1. CRIEPI)


Type 316 stainless steel,Radiation-induced segregation,ζ-factor method,STEM-EDS

The grain boundaries of irradiated type 316 stainless steel samples prepared by FIB lift-out method were measured by STEM-EDS mapping, and quantitative analysis of radiation-induced segregation was performed using the ζ-factor method. The calibration of the ζ-factor, which affects the analyzed composition, was performed by using the data of the target sample measured at a tilt angle of 0° and the chemical composition of the steel. The effect of grain boundary tilt under the STEM-EDS measurements was quantitatively determined as a decrease in the height of the observed segregation concentration at the grain boundary and an increase in the width of the concentration profile. When the STEM-EDS analysis was performed with a large beam size (low spatial resolution), the observed segregation concentration on the grain boundary also decreased, but there is a linear relationship between the observed segregation concentration on the grain boundary and the spatial resolution, and it was found that the segregation concentration on grain boundary can be evaluated according to the spatial resolution.


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