Presentation Information
[3B10]Feasibility study on Laser inertial fusion Tritium Production Reactor (LTPR)
*Masatoshi Kondo1, Kaoru Omiya4, Kanta Utsumi4, Tomoyuki Jozaki2, Yoshitaka Mori3,5, Kazuki Matsuo3 (1. Tokyo Tech, ZC, 2. Hiroshima Univ., 3. EX-Fusion, 4. Tokyo Tech,, 5. GPI)
Tritium,LiPb,Laser inertial fusion reactors,Production reactor
Tritium resource is limited in the world. Laser inertial fusion reactors are suitable as tritium production reactor since they can keep large volume of tritium breeder blanket in their rector vessels. The conceptual design of Laser inertial fusion Tritium Production Reactor (LTPR) is studied in the present study. The chemical composition of liquid LiPb alloy and the geometrical condition of the blanket are optimized to promote the tritium production performance. The impact of LTPR on the development strategy of fusion energy is also studied.
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