Presentation Information
[3C03]The Progress and Future Prospects of Environmental Radiological Monitoring by Japan Atomic Energy Agency(3) Development of new 3-dimensions radioactivity mapping technology
*Yuki Abe1,2, Miyuki Sasaki2, Tatsuo Torii3,4, Shinji Tokonami1, Yukihisa Sanada2 (1. Hirosaki Univ., 2. JAEA, 3. Fukushima Univ., 4. Univ. of Fukui)
Radiation imaging,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident,Fractal geometry,Inverse problem analysis
We are required the distribution of radioactivity in the building to proceed with the decommissioning of TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants. We have developed a compact and portable omni-directional radiation detector (FRIE) with equal sensitivity in all direction and the ability to identify the direction of incoming radiation by differences in the response characteristics of individual detectors. FRIE arranges crystals as the Sierpinski’s tetrahedron and by combining with the inverse problem analysis, it is possible to image the radioactivity distribution in 3-dimensions. We report the evaluation results of the accuracy of the radioactivity distribution estimation and the field measurement results of FRIE, which was newly developed for high gamma radiation dose environments.
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