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[3D06]Future prospects of advanced pluthermal operation for BWR based on domestic reprocessing(1) Application of the Rokkasho MOX fuel fabrication plant specification pellet to high burnup 10x10 MOX fuel

*Tsugumi Tsuchida1, Daisuke Goto1, Kasuhiko Matsumura1, Manabu Yoshida1, Junji Matsunaga1 (1. GNF-J)


Atomic energy,plutonium thermal operation,BWR

In Japan, GNF-J is currently introducing GNF3 fuel with 10x10 lattice, aiming to achieve a 24 months operation cycle with a discharged bundle average exposure of 50GWd/t. However domestic MOX fuel is still 8x8 lattice and stay the level at 13 months operation cycle and discharged bundle average exposure of 33GWd/t. Thus there is a possibility of the loss for nuclear economy at operation for multi-type fuel loaded core of uranium and MOX. In this study, we evaluated the operating condition of ABWR through GNF3 fuel type that is possible in the range of maximum fissile plutonium enrichment limit of the Rokkasho MOX fuel fabrication plant.


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