Presentation Information
[3E06]Applicability assessment of Transient Reactor Analysis Code Toshiba version (TRACTTM) to Loss-of-Coolant-Accident analysesBreak area effect assessments on cladding surface temperature etc.
*Hideki Horie1, Fumie Sebe1, Shin Goto1 (1. TOSHIBA ESS)
TRACT,LOCA,ROSA-III,validation analysis
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation have been enhancing Transient Reactor Analysis code Toshiba version (TRACTTM) for application to a licensing analysis code for transient and accident analysis in Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) in Japan. To achieve the goal, TRACTTM needs to extend its applicable range to Design Basis Accident including Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) in addition to transient which is traditional one. Then, some physical models in TRACTTM were improved, and validation analyses were carried out to confirm the applicability of TRACTTM to LOCA. This report presents the results of the validation analyses conducted for the ROSA-III test, which is LOCA-simulated test of BWR, to confirm LOCA applicability based on integral effect test.
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