Presentation Information
[3G10]Feasibility Study of Integral Molten Chloride Salt Fast Reactor (IV)(5) Incineration of TRU using small molten-salt reactors in three steps
*Koshi Mitachi1, Yoichiro Shimazu1 (1. BERD)
molten salt reactor,fast reactor,chloride salt,Trans Uranium Elements,TRU incineration
This study examines possibilites of effective incineration methods of the transuranic elements (TRU) contained in the spent fuel of light-water reactors, by using small molten-salt reactors in three steps. The fuel salt is a mixed salt in which TRUCl3 is dissolved in a solvent salt of NaCl-CaCl2, and fine He bubbles are uniformly dispersed with a void ratio of 0.2%. The chlorine in the fuel salt is assumed to be natural chlorine or Cl-37. According to the analysis of this study, the TRU incineration ratio (= burned TRU / input TRU) of the small reactors in three steps is 0.81 when natural chlorine is used as the chlorine of fuel salt, but the incineration ratio is improved to 0.87 when Cl-37 is used. However, these values are not as high as incineration ratio of 0.95 for the three steps incineration using 2.2GWth molten salt reactors. These characteristics were analyzed by SRAC2006 with SRACLIB-JDL40.
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