Presentation Information
[3I07]Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis for Concrete Structures(1) Structural Nonlinearity for RC and SC Structures
*Yuki Sato1, Ma Ella Candice Mag-Alasin1, Dan M. Ghiocel2, Shunji Kataoka1, Yasutomi Morimoto1 (1. JGC Corporation, 2. GP Technologies Inc.)
Soil-Structure Interaction,Reinforced Concrete,Steel-Composite Concrete,Nonlinear Seismic Response Analysis
During severe earthquakes, the inelastic structure behaviour should be considered in the seismic analysis of nuclear facilities. To capture soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects accurately, dynamic substructuring approaches were developed in complex frequency. These SSI substructuring approaches have been widely used in practice especially in the United States. Since the application of these substructuring approaches in complex frequency are limited to the elastic material behaviour, more recently, efficient iterative hybrid frequency-time SSI approaches were implemented to capture nonlinear structure behaviour. The presentation describes such an approach based on a highly efficient iterative equivalent linearization procedure. In this study, the differences between the seismic structure behaviour for the RC and SC designs were investigated using Japanese standards, for a typical 3DFEM building.
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