Presentation Information
[3J04]Development of Lesson Plan to Enhance Nuclear Literacy through STEAM Education(1) Overview of human resource development for teachers to Enhance Nuclear/radiation Literacy through STEAM
*Yasuhisa Oya1, Akihide Kayano2, Toshifumi Yuji3 (1. Shizuoka Univ., 2. Shimane Univ., 3. Univ. of Miyazaki)
Human resource development,STEAM,Teacher training
Through MEXT Nuclear Human Resource Development project, “Development of science teacher human resources based on energy and environmental issues Utilizing STEAM methods'' we will utilize STEAM methods to provide an intellectual basis for energy and environmental issues. We have focused on the training for future and current science teachers, who understand the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power and have highly literacy regarding nuclear power and radiation. We will build an energy, environment, radiation education curriculum and STEAM, collaborate with educational universities in Japan. In this presentation, we will show the present progress of this project.
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