Presentation Information
[3K04]Study on the effect of polymer coating ratio and separation performance of adsorbents for extraction chromatography.
*Shuya Higuchi1, Hiroki Fukumoto1, Yasunori Miyazaki2, Yuichi Sano2 (1. Ibaraki Univ., 2. JAEA)
minor actinide recovery,extraction chromatography,silica-based support,adsorbent
High-level radioactive liquid waste generated from the reprocessing of spent MOX fuel contains minor actinides (MA), including long-lived and heat-loaded nuclides, and there are social concerns about geological disposal. Selective separation of MA has attracted attention to reduce the volume of radioactive waste. One of the technologies being developed is extraction chromatography. In this study, the polymer weight in relation to the porous silica particles was investigated for efficient separation and purification. The 1 wt%, 5 wt% and 10 wt% of polymer coated particles were synthesised, and the extraction experiment was performed by impregnating TEHDGA and HONTA at 20 wt%. Although TEHDGA showed no change in base performance, HONTA showed the best adsorption-elution performance with a 5 wt% coating.
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