Presentation Information
[3L01]Development of nanosecond pulsed laser decontamination method(1) Why pulsed laser for decontamination?
*Takashi Nakajima1, Atsushi Kosuge2 (1. Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto Univ., 2. JAEA)
nanosecond pulsed laser,continuous wave laser,laser decontamination
In the nuclear industry, the term laser decontamination has been used since the early 2000s, and it is considered a mature technology. However, there are surprisingly few research reports in the literature. In particular, high-power continuous wave laser decontamination is the mainstream in Japan, while pulsed laser decontamination is the mainstream abroad, and there is some room to argue which choice is correct. We believe that pulsed lasers are more suitable for decontamination.
In this presentation, we will first describe the rough characteristics and problems of decontamination using continuous wave lasers and pulsed lasers, and then discuss what we are focusing on and the direction in which we will proceed with research and development of pulsed laser decontamination.
In this presentation, we will first describe the rough characteristics and problems of decontamination using continuous wave lasers and pulsed lasers, and then discuss what we are focusing on and the direction in which we will proceed with research and development of pulsed laser decontamination.
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