Presentation Information

[3L05]Application of RESRAD to Dose Assessment in Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities(1) Dose Assessment Methodology via Marine Pathways

*Kazuhiro Misumi1, Tetsuya Kato1, Tadafumi Koyama1, Daisuke Tsumune2,1, Takaki Tsubono1 (1. CRIEPI, 2. Univ. of Tsukuba)


Decommissioning,Nuclear Facilities,Dose Assessment,Ocean Dispersion,RESRAD

The RESRAD code, which evaluates radiation exposure doses related to the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, has many applications overseas. However, it does not consider exposure via oceans, which is potentially important to coastal facilities. This study demonstrates that RESRAD can be applied to coastal facilities by treating the exposure pathway via the surface-water body included in RESRAD as a hypothetical sea area and considering dilution due to seawater exchange.


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