Presentation Information
[3L06]Application of RESRAD to Dose Assessment in Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities(2) Evaluation of the accuracy of RESRAD in predicting nuclide migration behavior in shallow ground
*Yasuharu Tanaka1, Tadafumi Koyama1, Kato Tetsuya1 (1. CRIEPI)
decommissioning,dose assessment,shallow ground,nuclide migration
The prediction accuracy of nuclide migration behavior in shallow ground by RESRAD was examined by comparing it with the groundwater flow and nuclide migration analysis code FEGM developed by CRIEPI. As a result, it was found that RESRAD is an efficient tool for a simplified assessment but a more accurate dose assessment can be expected by incorporating the analysis results of a dedicated analysis code into the underground migration evaluation part of RESRAD.
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