Presentation Information
[3M06]Evaluation of the conservation inherent in safety assessment by probabilistic approach with the case study of near surface disposal
*Kazuma Kuroda1, Ryo Nakabayashi1, Sugiyama Daisuke1 (1. CRIEPI)
radioactive waste disposal,probabilistic safety assessment,conservation,uncertainty,near surface disposal
In the regulatory standards of category 2 waste disposal facilities, it is required to satisfy dose criteria in “most likely” and “most severe” natural event scenario. Since parameter settings are made with the consideration of uncertainties in deterministic approach, to evaluate the degree of conservation in these settings is important to ensure that they are addressing with those scenarios. In this study, a probabilistic approach is applied to the Atomic Energy Society standard about the safety assessment of the near surface disposal in an attempt to evaluate its conservation by setting probability distribution for parameters. As an example, the degree of conservation is discussed by comparing the mode of maximum dose from probabilistic assessment with the dose from deterministic assessment.
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