Instruction for Session Chairperson

ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024

Instruction for Session Chairperson

The program committee of the ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024 sincerely thanks you for your kind acquiescence to becoming a session chairperson. We hope the following prove helpful as guidelines toward carrying out the abovementioned role.

[1] Please check the date and time of the session you are responsible for, and read the full papers of the presentations scheduled for your session in advance, if possible.

[2] To start with, please make sure that you reach the correct session room. This congress holds its sessions in 7 different rooms. If you have any problem in locating the same, please contact the reception desk. In addition, please arrive at the session room 10 minutes before the session starts if possible, or at least 5 minutes before.

[3] There is one assistant at each room so please inform the assistant when you arrive at the session room that you are the chairperson.

[4] In principle, one chairperson is nominated for each session. Before starting the session, please ensure that all the speakers are present. 

[5] Please note that the presenters will basically be presenting on their own PCs and will be asked to check the connection to the projector at the room before the start of the session.

[6] A minute before starting the session, please announce the following (A)-(E).

(A) "You have 15 minutes to make your presentation, with an additional 5 minutes reserved for questions and answers."

(B) "The first bell will ring 3 minutes before the end of your presentation (12 minutes past its beginning), the second bell will ring at the end of the presentation (15 minutes past its start) and the third bell will ring 1 minute before the question & answer session (19 minutes past its beginning). Please adhere to the schedule strictly."

(C) "When asking questions or making comments, please raise your hand and announce your name and country." 

(D) "We will be awarding a “Certification of Presentation,” which has been prepared for each presentation."

(E) "Please give a big hand to all the speakers at the end of their presentations."


[7] Before starting each presentation, please mention the presentation theme, and speaker briefly.

[8] In case the speaker has not arrived at the session room 5 minutes past the appointed time, please cancel his or her presentation and declare this time as a break. NEVER bring the starting time of the next presentation forward. (The presentation time for each speaker is strictly scheduled. Adhering to the schedule strictly makes it possible for the audience to attend the presentations that they had planned to. Thus in case a particular speaker cannot hold his or her session, the presentation time designated for the same must be treated as a break. Kindly understand this policy and follow it strictly.)

[9] An assistant present in the room will be ringing a bell to mark the time passed. As some time is required to change the PCs in accordance with the speaker, the bell will be rung 1 minute before the end of the question & answer session (3rd bell). When the 3rd bell rings, please end the ongoing discussion as soon as possible.

[10] Please facilitate questions from the floor. If there are no questions, it would be very helpful for the presenter if the chairperson could ask at least one question.

[11] Give a big hand to the speaker at the end of the question & answer session. Thereafter, confer the “Certificate of Presentation” to the speaker. One certificate is prepared for each presentation.


                                 Program Committee, ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024