Congress Schedule

ANQ Congress Yokohama 2024

Congress Schedule

*You can access here to see program overview.

*Important notice: [Please bring your electronic devices]
     At ANQ congress Yokohama 2024, information including full paper will be provided electronically.
     Wifi access will be provided, so please bring your electronic devices for internet access, such as a tablet or PC.

*For searching presentations, please go to search presentations page.

September 16(Mon): ANQ-CEC meeting (Yagami Campus, 14th Building)

September 17(Tue): ANQ Board meeting (Yagami Campus, 14th Building)

September 18(Wed): ANQ Congress
     (Presentation Program:
     Opening Plenary Session: 09:30-12:30 (Yagami Campus, Multi-Media Room)
     Lunch: 12:30-13:30
     Parallel Session 1: 13:30-14:50 (Yagami Campus, 12th Building)
     Coffee Break: 14:50-15:20
     Parallel Session 2: 15:20-16:20 (Yagami Campus, 12th Building)
     Break: 16:20-16:40
     Parallel Session 3: 16:40-17:40 (Yagami Campus, 12th Building)

September 19(Thu): ANQ Congress
     (Presentation Program:
     Parallel Session 4: 09:30-10:30 (Yagami Campus, 12th Building)
     Break: 10:30-10:50
     Parallel Session 5: 10:50-11:50 (Yagami Campus, 12th Building)
     Lunch: 11:50-13:00
     Parallel Session 6: 13:00-14:00 (Yagami Campus, 12th Building)
     Coffee Break: 14:00-14:30
     Closing Plenary Session: 14:30-16:30 (Yagami Campus, Multi-Media Room)
     Gala Dinner: 18:00-21:00 (Hiyoshi Campus)
          *It takes about 15-20 minutes from Yagami Campus to Hiyoshi Campus by walk.

September 20(Fri): Technical site visits (Depart from Hiyoshi Campus)

Preparation for Presentation

(1) For Parallel Session, speakers will be allocated a presentation time of 15 minutes with an additional 5 minutes for the question and answer session. Ensure that you strictly adhere to the time limit.

(2) Speakers are expected to prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Do not use too many slides (rule of thumb: no more than 20). Please also bring your presentation files on a USB storage device as backup.

(3) Use your own PC. Hence, you do not need to submit the PPT file. The Congress Committee will not provide a PC for the presentation. The connections to the projector are D-Sub or HDMI. If you need a converter to connect the projector to your PC, please prepare one yourself.

(4) Before the start of your presentation session (during breaks), please make sure that your PC and projector can be connected.