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[1P-118]Effects of non-neuronal cells on alpha-synuclein aggregates-induced neurotoxicity in the central and enteric nervous system

Ikuko Miyazaki1, Kaori Masai1, Chiharu Sogawa2, Norio Sogawa3, Yoshihisa Kitamura4, Masato Asanuma1 (1.Dept. of Med. Neurobiol., Okayama Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med., Dent. and Pharmaceut. Sci., 2.Dept. of Clin. Eng., Fac. of Life Sci., Hiroshima Inst. of Tech., 3.Dept. of Mol. Eng. and Drug Dev. Sci., Grad. Sch. of Oral Med., Matsumoto Dental Univ., 4.Dept. of Pharmacother., Sch. of Pharm., Shujitsu Univ.)

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