Presentation Information

[1P-187]Effects of capsaicin on the chorda tympani nerve responses and the ingestive behavior for five basic tastes in mice.

Shusuke Iwata1, Shinpei Takahashi1, Toshiaki Yasuo1, Takashi Suwabe1, Keiko Yasumatsu2, Noritaka Sako1, Yuzo Ninomiya3,4 (1.Dept. Oral Physiol. Asahi Univ. Sch. Dent., 2.Tokyo Dental Junior Collegue., 3.Dept. of Oral Physiol., Grad. Sch. of Med., Dent., and Pharm. Sci., Okayama Univ., 4.Monell Chemical Senses Center)

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