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[1P-448(ST03-03)]Olig2+/NG2+/BLBP+ astrocyte progenitors: A novel component of the neurovascular unit in the developing mouse hippocampus

Shoichiro Omura1,2, Hiroki Ikeda1, Rina Ogawa1, Tomomi Kawachi1, Aya Ogawa1, Yuuki Arai1, Natsumi Takayama1, Aki Masui1, Kumiko Kondo1, Hiroki Sugimoto1, Hiroshi Shinohara1, Tokiharu Takahashi1, Hideyuki Maeda3, Kyoji Ohyama1 (1.Tokyo Medical University Department of Histology and Neuroanatomy, 2.Tokyo Medical University Department of Psychiatry, 3.Osaka University Department of Legal Medicine)

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