Session Details

[1P]Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, Neuronal cell biology Glia

Mon. Mar 17, 2025 5:40 PM - 6:40 PM JST
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 8:40 AM - 9:40 AM UTC
Exhibition Hall

[1P-058]Endothelin-1 stimulates expression of astrocytic Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter-1 (NKCC1) through activation of hypoxia inducible factor-1α

Yutaka Koyama1, Yura Fukui1, Nami Hosogi1, Rina Fujimoto1, Yasuhiro Ogawa2, Shigeru Hishinuma2, Shotaro Michinaga2 (1.Laboratory of Pharmacology, Kobe Pharmaceutical University, 2.Department of Pharmacodynamics, Meiji Pharmaceutical University)

[1P-059]Regulation of astrocytic sonic hedgehog production by TRPV4-mediated calcium and ERK signaling pathways

Shotaro Michinaga, Kenta Takahashi, Yasuhiro Ogawa, Shigeru Hishinuma (Meiji Pharmaceutical University)

[1P-060(ST03-13)]Therapeutic hypothermia suppresses excessive inflammatory responses of microglia through inhibition of the TRPV4-AMPK-NF-κB pathway

Rina Mimoto1, Naoya Fukuda1, Kouki Toriuchi1, Hiromasa Aoki1, Hiroki Kakita2,1, Yoshiaki Suzuki1, Satoru Takeshita2,1, Tetsuya Tamura3, Hisao Yamamura1, Yasumichi Inoue1, Hidetoshi Hayashi1, Yasumasa Yamada2, Mineyoshi Aoyama1 (1.Nagoya City University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science, 2.Department of Perinatal and Neonatal Medicine, Aichi Medical University, 3.Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences)

[1P-061(ST03-12)]Involvement of astrocytic gap junctions in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy

Kazuma Miyata1, Yuji Ikegaya1, Ryuta Koyama2,1 (1.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2.Department of Translational Neurobiology, National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)

[1P-062]Abnormal glial TRPV4 activation induces neuronal cell death through acute inflammation

Koji Shibasaki1, Shouta Sugio2, Hidetaka Matsumoto3, Kokono Kusu1, Yurina Hada1, Rimika Kabashima1 (1.Lab of Neurochem, Univ. of Nagasaki, 2.Nagoya Univ., 3.Gunma Univ.)

[1P-063]Continuous administration of CCR2-antagonist alleviates the cerebral small vessel dysfunction induced by vessel-associated microglia in chronic hypertension model rat

Takashi Koizumi, Eline Herckenrath, Katsutoshi Taguchi, Masaki Tanaka (Dept. of Neurobiology and Anatomy. Kyoto Pref. Univ. of Med.)

[1P-064]Gq-DREADD-induced astrocytic activity in ventral hippocampus reduces anxiety- and depressive-like behavior.

Joi Yashima1,2, Eiji Shigetomi1,2, Schuichi Koizumi1,2 (1.Yamanashi GLIA center, Univ Yamanashi, 2.Dept Neuropharmacol, Interdiscipl Grad Sch Med, Univ Yamanashi)

[1P-065(ST03-02)]Microglia are necessary for depressive-like behavior but not sickness behavior following systemic inflammation

Ryosuke Yoshida1, Yuji Ikegaya1,2, Ryuta Koyama1,3 (1.The University of Tokyo, 2.The Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo, 3.National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)

[★1P-066]Sulfatide atlas of the adult mouse brain

Niira Mako1,2, Hirahara Yukie1,2, Iwashita Hikaru1, Koike Taro1, Oe Souichi1, Hayashi Shinichi1, Seki-Omura Ryohei1, Nakano Yosuke1, Sato Yuki1, Kitada Masaaki1 (1.Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Kansai Medical University, 2.Fundamental Nursing, Faculty of nursing, Kansai Medical University)

[★1P-067]Analysis of Enpp2/Autotaxin-mediated oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination

Yuki Oka1, Norihisa Bizen1, Kuniyuki Kano2, Junken Aoki2, Hirohide Takebayashi1,3 (1.Niigata Univ. Neuroanatomy dept., 2.Dpt of Pharm, Univ. of Tokyo, 3.Center for Anat, Kyoto Univ.)

[★1P-068]Visualization of P2Y12 Receptor for Microglial Process Motility

Hatsumi Nakagawa1, Yutaro Saito1, Kanon Sato1, Kana Tsujimura3, Kenji Yatsuzuka3, Hiroshi Nonaka4, Itaru Hamachi4, Shigeki Kiyonaka3, Hiroaki Wake1,2 (1.Department of Anatomy and Molecular Cell Biology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, 2.Division of Multicellular Circuit Dynamics, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, National Institute of Natural Sciences, 3.Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, 4.Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)

[★1P-069]Choroid plexus epiplexus macrophage derive from parenchymal microglia

Akira Moriya1,2, Bijay Parajuli1,2, Eiji Shigetomi1,2, Schuichi Koizumi1,2 (1.Department of Neuropharmacology, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, 2.GLIA Center, University of Yamnashi)

[1P-448(ST03-03)]Olig2+/NG2+/BLBP+ astrocyte progenitors: A novel component of the neurovascular unit in the developing mouse hippocampus

Shoichiro Omura1,2, Hiroki Ikeda1, Rina Ogawa1, Tomomi Kawachi1, Aya Ogawa1, Yuuki Arai1, Natsumi Takayama1, Aki Masui1, Kumiko Kondo1, Hiroki Sugimoto1, Hiroshi Shinohara1, Tokiharu Takahashi1, Hideyuki Maeda3, Kyoji Ohyama1 (1.Tokyo Medical University Department of Histology and Neuroanatomy, 2.Tokyo Medical University Department of Psychiatry, 3.Osaka University Department of Legal Medicine)