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[2P-038]TNF-α reduces GnRH gene expression in GnRH-producing GT1-7 cells

Sachi Kuwahara-Otani1,2, Momo Enomoto2,3, Katsumi Yamashita4, Kyosuke Yamanishi4,5, Rika Sakuma2, Yusuke Minato2, Seishi Maeda2, Hideshi Yagi2 (1.Sch. of Pharm., Hyogo Med. Univ., 2.Dept. of Anat. and Cell Biol., Sch. of Med., Hyogo Med. Univ., 3.Hyogo Med. Univ., PSTP, 4.Dept. of Psychoimmunol., Sch. of Med., Hyogo Med. Univ., 5.Dept. of Neuropsyc., Sch. of Med., Hyogo Med. Univ.)

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