Session Details

[2P]Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, Neuronal cell biology Neurohistochemistry, Neurochemistry

Tue. Mar 18, 2025 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 6:40 AM - 7:40 AM UTC
Exhibition Hall

[2P-036]Retinotopic analysis of EphA and ephrinA expression in the superior colliculus in adult albino and pigmented rats following optic nerve transection

Takaya Ishii, Jun Kosaka (School of Medicine, International University of Health and Welfare.)

[2P-037]Protein complex involving membrane palmitoylated protein 6 (MPP6) in mouse cerebrum and its impact on behavior

Yurika Saitoh1,2,3, Sayaka Motofuji2, Akio Kamijo3,4, Takahiro Yoshizawa5, Tatsuo Suzuki6, Kiyokazu Kametani3, Takeharu Sakamoto7, Nobuo Terada3 (1.Center for Medical Education, Teikyo University of Science, 2.Division of Biosciences,Teikyo University of Science Graduate School of Science & Engineering, 3.Health Science Division, Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology, 4.Division of Basic & Clinical Medicine, Nagano College of Nursing, 5.Division of Animal Research, Research Center for Supports to Advanced Science, Shinshu University, 6.Department Molecular & Cellular Physiology, Shinshu University, Academic Assembly, Institute of Medicine, 7.Department of Cancer Biology, Institute of Biomedical Science, Kansai Medical University)

[2P-038]TNF-α reduces GnRH gene expression in GnRH-producing GT1-7 cells

Sachi Kuwahara-Otani1,2, Momo Enomoto2,3, Katsumi Yamashita4, Kyosuke Yamanishi4,5, Rika Sakuma2, Yusuke Minato2, Seishi Maeda2, Hideshi Yagi2 (1.Sch. of Pharm., Hyogo Med. Univ., 2.Dept. of Anat. and Cell Biol., Sch. of Med., Hyogo Med. Univ., 3.Hyogo Med. Univ., PSTP, 4.Dept. of Psychoimmunol., Sch. of Med., Hyogo Med. Univ., 5.Dept. of Neuropsyc., Sch. of Med., Hyogo Med. Univ.)

[2P-039]Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of P2X3 receptor in the trigeminal ganglion of newborn and adult mouse

Tadasu Sato1,2, Mika Ishikawa3, Takehiro Yajima1,2, Kentaro Mizuta3 (1.Division of Oral and Craniofacial Anatomy, Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, 2.Department of Oral Functional Anatomy, Hokkaido University Faculty of Dental Medicine, 3.Division of Dento-oral Anesthesiology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry)

[2P-040]Erk activation in PlxnA3-deficient SOX9-positive cells during the somal translocation of radial glial cells for the formation of the indusium griseum glia

Kazunori Yukawa1, Md. Mosharaf Hossain1, Shoto Sasaki1, Takamasa Tsuzuki1, Ikuko Takahashi2, Takahiko Kawasaki3, Takayuki Negishi1 (1.Department of Physiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University, 2.Radioisotope Center, Faculty of Pharamacy, Meijo University, 3.Brain Function Laboratory, National Institute of Genetics)

[2P-041]The internal structure of the molecular layer in the subiculum and the CA1 region

Yoshihisa Ishihara1,2,3,4, Cheng-Chang Lien5,4, He Zhengzheng4,5, Po-Yu Yang5, Shimankova Anna3, Yoshiyuki Kubota3, Takaichi Fukuda2, Imre Vida4, Chitoshi Takayama1 (1.University of the Ryukyus, 2.Kumamoto University, 3.NIPS, 4.Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 5.National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)

[★2P-042]Analysis of activated-brain regions after eating or sensing a high-fat diet in mice

Kazunori Kojima1, Shunji Yamada1, Yousuke Tsuneoka2, Masaki Tanaka1 (1.Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, 2.Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Toho University)