Session Details

[3S16a]Defying irreversible life processes

Wed. Mar 19, 2025 1:40 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 4:40 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
Room 16
Oranizers :Yuki Katanosaka (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical sciences, Kinjo Gakuin University) and Hirokazu Yagi (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical sciences, Nagoya City University)
Sponsored by : Transformative Research Areas (B) "Aging revival"/ Transformative Research Areas (B) "Resilience Biology"
Aging clock progression diminishes biological resilience, leading to the systemic decline in physiological functions. Recent findings have accumulated experimental evidence suggesting that aging is controlled by epigenomic information, a blueprint that determines how genes work. In addition, experimental evidence suggests that the cellular resilience to stress is already determined at the stage prior to the reception of stimuli. In this symposium, we would like to present our research findings on “the revival mechanism of aging clock" and “the maintenance of cellular resilience to stress", and discuss the significance of confronting “irreversible" life processes and the possibility of controlling and/or reversing them. This symposium is a joint symposium of “Elucidation of Aging Clock Revival Mechanism" and “Resilience Biology", both of which are funded by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B), and aims to discover new universality of living things from hot topics in both fields.

[3S16a-1]Identification of mechanosensitive ion channels that are essential for skeletal muscle regeneration

Kotaro Hirano, Akira Murakami, Yuji Hara (University of Shizuoka)

[[OD]3S16a-2]Partial reprogramming promotes liver plasticity and regeneration

Tomoaki Hishida1,2, Mako Yamamoto2, Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte2 (1.Lab. of Biol.Chem., Sch. of Pharm. Sci., Wakayama Med. Univ., 2.Salk Institute)

[3S16a-3]Partial reprogramming of senescent cells ameliorates aging-associated diseases.

Yoshikazu Johmura (Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University)

[[OD]3S16a-4]Glycan structural analysis and functional insights in stem cells, cancer cells, and senescent cells

Hirokazu Yagi (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical sciences, Nagoya City University)

[[OD]3S16a-5]Role of the resilience mediator in myocyte maturation

Yuki Katanosaka (Faculty of Pharmacy, Kinjo Gakuin University)