Call for Presentations - Application Procedure

The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) calls for presentations to be delivered during the Annual Meeting for the Academic Program.

Please Note
  • The submission of the application is limited to the individual members of the CSJ. If you are not yet a member, please complete the membership application at the CSJ website before submitting your application for the presentation.
  • Please ensure to apply well in advance. It is expected that we might not be able to respond to last-minute inquiries.


Application Period

 November 1st to November 28th, 2024

  • Submission of the application and any amendment of application details after the application deadline will not be accepted for any reason whatsoever.


Regarding the Presentations
Academic Program (AP)
Presentation ContentThe presentation content must be previously unpublished. 
Eligible PresentersOnly individual members of the CSJ are eligible to apply for presentations. An individual member can apply for one of the following presentation styles: Oral A, Oral B, or Poster. The applicant shall deliver the presentation.

* If you have not become a member yet, please complete the membership application on the CSJ website before submitting your application for the presentation.
*The scope of individual membership includes Regular Members, Retired Senior Members, Student Members, Student Educational Members, Junior High School and High School Student Members, and Educational Members. It does not encompass Corporate Members, Public Members, or Divisional Members.
* Collaborators (co-authors) are not limited to the CSJ's regular members.
* All meeting attendees, irrespective of being presenters (speakers) or collaborators (co-authors), need to register. 
Presentation Style
Oral ATotal: 10 minutes (presentation: 7 minutes; discussion: 2 minutes; handover to the next presenter: 1 minute) 
Oral BTotal: 20 minutes (presentation: 15 minutes; discussion: 4 minutes; handover to the next presenter: 1 minute)
PosterPoster: 45 minutes (posters with odd numbers will be presented in the first half of the session, even numbers in the second half of the session)
Presentation LanguageThe presentation language shall be either English or Japanese.

* We strongly recommend the preparation of presentation slides and poster materials in English. If you choose "English" as your presentation language, please make sure that all content is in English.
CategoriesPlease check here and select the category your presentation will best fit into. 


How to Apply

Please apply online through the Application Form below. 

  Application for Presentations

  • Please confirm that your application for the presentations has been completed on the Call for Presentations Application Form.
[About status description]
* [Application Completed] means that the registration for your presentation has been completed.
* [Not completed] means that the registration is proceeding and the information is not enough. If [Not completed] remains after the registration deadline, it will be deemed no application.
  • The Annual Meeting Organizing Committee reserves the authority to select the presentation applications and make the program arrangements. This also includes the possibility of changing the category of a presentation from what it was originally applied for.
  • The presentation number will be intimated in mid-January to the email address registered at the time of application. The presentation program (online) will also be released concurrently.


Submission of the Abstract
Please submit the PDF file of your abstract via the Call for Presentations Application Form. Your application for the presentation will be deemed canceled if the abstract is not submitted by the final day of the submission period. Please click here for more details, including the submission period.
Presentation Equipment

Oral Presentation: 

  • A Windows PC and HDMI cables will be provided at each session room. Speakers are requested to bring their presentation slides on a USB memory stick and plug it into the PC in the room. (The USB memory stick has to be checked for viruses and OS compatibility.) 
  • Speakers can also use their own PCs. In this case, please connect the HDMI cable to your own PC for presentation.
  • Details on the OS of the PCs at the venue will be announced later.
  • To avoid connection problems during the session, it is recommended to check your presentation at the Speaker Preview Rooms prior to the session.

Poster Presentation: 

  • Each poster presenter will be provided a poster panel of dimensions 210cm high and 90cm wide and thumbtacks.
  • The poster session will run for 90 minutes (45 minutes for the first half and 45 minutes for the second half, depending on whether the poster number is even or odd). 
  • Please attach/remove your poster at the designated time before or after the session.
Presentation Awards

The Annual Meeting presents two kinds of awards to honor excellent presentations. Please find below the eligibility criteria for the respective awards, including candidate details, presentation styles, and presentation categories.

CSJ Student Presentation Award 
CandidateThe presenter must be a student member of the CSJ, who is enrolled in a Ph.D. program and has never won the CSJ Student Presentation Award previously. 
Presentation StyleOral B
Presentation LanguageEnglish
Eligible Categories All categories of the Academic Program (Category 01 - 22)
Application Please nominate yourself while applying for the presentation.
Awarding CommitteeThe 105th Annual Meeting Organizing Committee
CSJ Presentation Award for Industries
CandidateThe presenter must be a regular member or a student member of the CSJ, who is applied for examination at the time of application for presentation.
Presentation StylePoster 
Presentation LanguageJapanese or English
Eligible CategoriesCategory 23 CIP Poster
* Scheduled on the first day of the meeting.
ApplicationPlease specify the field and nominate yourself while applying for the presentation.
Awarding CommitteeCSJ Cooperation Industry and Academia Promotion Committee


Publication of Application Details

The details regarding the selected applications, except for contact information, will be published and distributed free of charge in the form of the presentation program and the database, according to the following schedules. Any changes made to the released program will be announced on the Annual Meeting website. 

  • Presentation Program (online)     ・・・・・・mid January
  • Book of Abstracts (online)      ・・・・・・ early March
  • JST JDreamIII (to be determined)  ・・・・・・after April

The book of abstracts(online) will be made available to non-participants of the meeting three months after the closure of the meeting.


In accordance with the Copyright Rules (in Japanese) of the Chemical Society of Japan, the copyrights to the contents of submitted abstracts shall belong to CSJ, and such content may be reprinted should CSJ deem it necessary. CSJ may also approve external requests for quotations after reviewing such requests.  


As an academic group designated by the Patent Office, the CSJ has been providing participants with a document certifying the delivery of the respective presentation at the study meeting. This certification was previously required upon the patent application being filled if the applicant sought to apply under the Patent Act Article 30 (Exceptions to Lack of Novelty of Invention). 

Following the revision to the Act in 2011, patent applications filed after April 1st, 2012, no longer require the submission of this certifying document issued by the designated academic groups. Instead, applicants can now simply submit a certifying document in the specified format along with objective evidence. For details, please check the Patent Office website given below.

Those who wish to obtain the certifying document issued by the CSJ can request it via mail as earlier. Please visit the following site for details: