Presentation Information

[[C]C204-2pm-14]Time-resolved infrared absorption spectroscopy of aggregation-induced emission molecule 2amBF2 in the solid state

○Yuha Ishiyama1, RIntaro Shimada1, Yushi Fujimoto2, Fuyuki Ito2,3, Akira Sakamoto1 (1. Dep. of Chem. & Bio. Sci., Col. of Sci. & Eng., Aoyama Gakuin Univ., 2. Grad. Sch. of Sci. & Tech., Shinshu Univ., 3. Inst. of Edu., Shinshu Univ.)


dibenzoylmethanatoboron difluoride complex,aggregation-induced emission,excited state dynamics,time-resolved infrared spectroscopy