Presentation Information

[[C]C302-3am1-04]Accurate Prediction of Assembled Structures of Organic Semiconductors Using Machine Learning and Molecular Simulation

○Takuya Seki1, Yudai Shinozaki1, Shunsuke Sato1, Ryosuke Ito1, Jun Takeya2,3,4, Toshihiro Okamoto4,5, Go Watanabe1,4,6,7 (1. Grad. Sch. of Sci., Kitasato Univ. , 2. Grad. Sch. of Front. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, 3. NIMS, 4. JST CREST, 5. Sch. of Mater. and Chem. Tech., Science Tokyo, 6. Sch. of Front. Eng., Kitasato Univ., 7. KISTEC)


Crystal Structure Prediction,Machine Learning,Molecular Dynamics,Organic Semiconductor