Presentation Information
[[C]C403-1pm-04]A Study on Electronic Structure and Performance of SrTiO3:Rh,La Gains by Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Kelvin Probe Method
○Tadaaki Tani1, Yuichi Yamaguchi2, Yoshiyuki Nakajima3, Takayuki Uchida4, Taisei Nishimi5, Akihiko Kudo2 (1. The Society of Photography and Imaging of Japan, 2. Tokyo University of sience, 3. Riken Keiki Company, Ltd., 4. Tokyo Polytechnic University, 5. Japan Technological Research Association of Artificial Photosynthetic Chemical Process)
Photocatalyst,Electronic Structure,Photoelectron Spectroscopy,Kelvin Probe Method,Hydrogen Evolution