Presentation Information
[[F]2501-2pm-04]Anti-PEG Antibody Assays Using Designable Cello-oligosaccharide Assemblies as Solid-Phase Platforms
○Kai Sugiura1, Koichiro Ishibashi2, Yuuki Hata1, Toshiki Sawada1, Go Watanabe2,3,4, Hiroshi Tanaka1,5, Takeshi Serizawa1 (1. School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Institute of Science Tokyo, 2. School of Science, Kitasato University, 3. School of Frontier Engineering, Kitasato University, 4. Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (KISTEC), 5. Faculty of Pharmacy, Juntendo University)
Cello-oligosaccharide,Enzyme-catalyzed oligomerization,Click reaction,Anti-PEG antibody,ELISA