Session Details

[[PB]-3pm]17. Biofunctional Chemistry, Biotechnology

Fri. Mar 28, 2025 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM JST
Fri. Mar 28, 2025 4:00 AM - 5:30 AM UTC
Poster Site B(Hall, Shin-KansaiDaigaku-Kaikan North Bldg. [1F])

[[PB]-3pm-01]Development of Endoplasmic Reticulum-Targeted Protein Folding Promoters

○Yuhei Sato1, Rumi Mikami1, Kenta Arai1 (1. Tokai Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-02]Development of PhosphonoRhodamine derivatives for activatable fluorescent probe with improved cellular retention.

○Aoi Ishikawa1, Hiroyoshi Fujioka1, Minoru Kawatani1, Ryo Tachibana2, Yasuteru Urano2, Mako Kamiya1,3 (1. Tokyo Institute of Science, 2. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3. Research Center for Autonomous Systems Materialogy (ASMat), Institute of Science Tokyo)

[[PB]-3pm-03]Synthesis and photophysical properties of C2-substituted fluorescent acyclic adenosine derivatives.

○Shun Ogura1, Yuho Abe1, Yurino Oku1, Yoshio Saito1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Nihon University)

[[PB]-3pm-04]Development of vitamin D receptor PROTAC with a non-secosteroidal ligands

○Rino Tsutsumi1, Ryota Sakamoto1, Yuki Okamoto2, Kaori Yasuda2, Toshiyuki Sakaki2, Masayuki Tera1, Kazuo Nagasawa1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech., 2. Toyama Pref. Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-05]Structure-activity relationship and mechanisms of IBA derivatives inhibiting or promoting lateral root formation and elongation selectively

○Ami Watanabe1, Kouta Ibe1, Rie Nakagawa1, Sentaro Okamoto1 (1. Kanagawa University)

[[PB]-3pm-06]Design and photophysical properties of novel acyclic ESF nucleosides

○Syogo Katayama1, Yuho Abe1, Keiichiro Ito1, Shunsuke Ito2, Yoshio Saito1,2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Nihon University, 2. College of Engineering, Nihon University)

[[PB]-3pm-07]Development of a novel fluorescent probe based on nicotinamide capable of imaging reversible redox cycles.

○Yumiko Takeyama1, Naoto Hamaguchi1, Akira Nakamura1, Tetsuo Ohta1, Yohei Oe1 (1. Doshisha University)

[[PB]-3pm-08]Suppression of Nonspecific Adsorption by Temperature Responsive Hydrogel on a Plasmonic Chip

○Shogo Fujita1, Dario Cattozzo Mor2, Yasunori Nawa1, Jakub Dostalek2, Keiko Tawa1 (1. Kwansei Gakuin University, 2. Czech Academy of Sciences)

[[PB]-3pm-09]Cytosolic Protein Delivery via Protein-Coated Amorphous Microparticles Based on Boron Clusters and Cationic Polymers

○Yoshimasa Makita1, Yuya Hirai1, Shin-ichi Fujiwara1 (1. Osaka Dental Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-10]Evaluation of membrane voltage-sensitive dyes using galvanic potentials

○Minami Nakada1, Makoto Roppongi2, Toru Oba3 (1. Graduate School of Utsunomiya University, 2. Center for Instrumental Analysis, Utsunomiya University, 3. Department of Material and Environmental Chemistry, Utsunomiya University)

[[PB]-3pm-100]Measuring the lateral diffusion behavior of single guest molecules in lipid layers using single-molecule tracking based on monochromatic excitation fluorescence switching (MEFS)

○Kosuke Yoshihara1, Bhagya Lakshmi Sankaramangalam Balachandran1, Yuki Amatsu1, Nozomi Watanabe1, Hiroshi Umakoshi1, Shoji Ito1 (1. Osaka University)

[[PB]-3pm-101]Enhancement of anticancer activity employing block copolymers of polymeric transition metal complexes and cationic glycopolymers through improving the intracellular membrane passage mechanism.

○Kazuki Anami1, Yousuke Hirata2, Genta Aoki2, Hidenori Otsuka1,2 (1. Dept. of Appl. Chem., Facul. of Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 2. Dept. of Chem., Grad. Sch. of Sci.,Tokyo Univ. of Sci)

[[PB]-3pm-102]Surface modification of silver nanowires for the extraction of target organelles from single live cell

○Ryoma Terada1,3, Tomoki Tateishi2,3, Shuhei Furukawa2,3, Tomoko Inose2,3,4,5 (1. Eng., Kyto Univ., 2. Grad School of Eng., Kyoto Univ., 3. iCeMS, Kyot Univ., 4. The Hakubi center, Kyoto Univ., 5. JST PRESTO)

[[PB]-3pm-103]Study on reducing the alkaline odor of hair bleaching agent

○Maya Nicole Yoshii1, Sotaro Sato2, Hiroki Hotta2,3, Yoshio Tsujino3, Shingo Washika4 (1. Toyo University Himeji High School, 2. Graduate School of Maritime Sciences of Kobe University, 3. Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation, Kobe University, 4. Okamoto Corp.)

[[PB]-3pm-104]Development of Transient Hydrogel that Exhibits Programmable Sol Transition Driven by Enzymatic Dephosphorylation

○Ryo Sekiya1, Masahiko Nakamoto1, Michiya Matsusaki1 (1. Grad. Sch. of Eng., Osaka Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-105]Detection of buried landmines using a microbial biosensor that changes fluorescent color with 2,4-dinitrotoluene, an explosive component.

○Kai Nishimura1, Taiga Yosizawa1, Takuo Akimoto1 (1. Sch. of Biosci. and Biotechnol., Tokyo Univ. of Technol.)

[[PB]-3pm-106]Development of a BOD sensor using circularly permuted fluorescent protein as an indicator of intracellular ATP

○Ryousuke Kishida1, Yuto Kanno1, Takuo Akimoto1 (1. Sch. of Biosci. and Biotechnol., Tokyo Univ. of Technol.)

[[PB]-3pm-107]Analysis of polyamines by the James-Bull method using a pyrene-tethered diol

○Kisara Murakami1, Naoto Hamaguchi1, Akira Nakamura1, Tetsuo Ohta1, Yohei Oe1 (1. Doshisha University)

[[PB]-3pm-108]Investigation of conditions for a dopamine biosensor using the glucose signaling pathway in fission yeast

○Kazuki Morimoto1, Toshiya Osada1 (1. Institute of Science Tokyo)

[[PB]-3pm-109]Photodynamic therapy using polymeric micelles

○Daichi Matsumoto1, Hayato Yao2, Yoshiyuki Uruma3, Ping-Shan Lai4 (1. Yonago National College of Technology Department of Materials Engineering, 2. Yonago National College of Technology Department of Materials advanced course, 3. Yonago National College of Technology Department of General Engineering, Chemistry/Bio Department, 4. Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry)

[[PB]-3pm-11]Detection of Cy5-streptavidin on the plasmonic chip photochemically modified with Biotin

○Moe Taniguchi1, Kyohei Asano1, Yasunori Nawa1, Mutsuo Tanaka2, Keiko Tawa1 (1. Kwansei Gakuin University, 2. Sitama Institute of Technology)

[[PB]-3pm-110]Development of nanomedicines using polyglycerol-modified graphene oxide and its anticancer application

○Runa Yoshioka1, Yuta Nishina1 (1. The Univ. of Okayama)

[[PB]-3pm-111]Production of Apocarotenoids via Chemical Oxidation of β-Carotene and Chromatographic Analysis

○So Morita1, Chiasa Uragami1, Hideki Hashimoto1 (1. kwansei gakuin university)

[[PB]-3pm-112]Construction of functional hydrophobic lumen by amphiphilic molecule

○Naoko Matsumoto1, Kohei Sato1 (1. Kwansei Gakuin University)

[[PB]-3pm-12]Development of PeT-type Voltage-sensitive dyes

○Satoshi Saito1, Makoto Roppongi2, Toru Oba1 (1. Department of Material and environmental chemistry, Utsunomiya University, 2. Center for Instrumental Analysis, Utsunomiya University)

[[PB]-3pm-13]Photoinduced Cytotoxicity of Diarylethene Derivatives with Polar Functional Groups

○Norikazu Maruyama1, Kimio Sumaru2, Kana Morishita2, Kingo Uchida1 (1. Ryukoku University, 2. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))

[[PB]-3pm-14]Synthesis and evaluation of membrane-localizable gefitinib derivatives targeting an EGFR mutant

○Keishi Mitamura1, Keita Tsutsui1, Yoko Fukaya1, Shinya Tsukiji1 (1. Grad. Sch. of Eng. Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)

[[PB]-3pm-15]Development of Esterase-cleaved Bioinic Liquid DDS Particle

○Rikuto Kumada1, Hiroyasu Nishiguchi2, Satoshi Kitaoka3, Kaoru Nobuoka4 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Oita University, 2. Research Management Organization, Oita University, 3. Faculty of Engineering, Kindai University, 4. Faculty of Science and Technology, Oita University)

[[PB]-3pm-16]Development of photoswitchable inhibitors based on the proximity-driven reaction on the surface of proteins

○Sota Fujiwara1, Yuka Segawa1, Kazuya Matsuo1, Tomonori Waku1, Akio Kobori1 (1. Kyoto Inst. of Tech.)

[[PB]-3pm-17]Development of fluorescence probes based on steric repulsion-induced twisted intramolecular charge transfer (sr-TICT)

○Mizuki Sugimoto1, Eita Sasaki1, Hisashi Ohno1, Kenjiro Hanaoka1 (1. Keio Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-18]Development of the photocontrollable thiol scavengers

○Hiroki Sano1, Ippei Koba1, Kazuya Matsuo1, Tomonori Waku1, Akio Kobori1 (1. Kyoto Inst. of Tech.)

[[PB]-3pm-19]Morphological changes of vesicles by photoisomerization of azobenzene derivatives

○Kosei Shioji1, Kasumi Kasai1, Moeha Dei1, Hironori Ishihara1, Hidefumi Iwashita1 (1. Fukuoka University)

[[PB]-3pm-20]Syntheses and Properties of Chlorophyll Derivatives with an Ionic Substituent

○Yuka Sumida1, Akari Nakamura1, Miyatake Tomohiro1 (1. Ryukoku Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-21]Imparting water solubility to cytotoxic photochromic diarylethenes

○Kamba Midori1, Maruyama Norikazu1, Sumaru Kimio2, Morishita Kana2, Uchida Kingo1 (1. The Univ. of Ryukoku, 2. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

[[PB]-3pm-22]Synthesis and Properties of Chlorophyll Dimers Linked with an o-Phenylenediamine

○Hodaka Imose1, Tomohiro Miyatake1 (1. Ryukoku Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-23]Development of photoswitchable Aurora kinase inhibitors

○Kimi Miyagi1, Kazuya Matsuo1, Tomonori Waku1, Akio Kobori1 (1. Kyouto Inst.of Tech)

[[PB]-3pm-24]Development of a near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent chemigenetic sensor for Ca2+ based on photoactive yellow protein (PYP)-tag and JF635

○Yuuki Saito1, Takumi Yanagimachi1, Takuya Terai1, Robert E. Campbell1 (1. Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo)

[[PB]-3pm-25]Supramolecular Formation of Azobenzene-Modified Polymers with Cyclodextrin-Modified Proteins

○Kaho Noumi1, Yuichiro Kobayashi1, Hiroyasu Yamaguchi1 (1. GSS, Osaka Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-26]Development of kojic acid-based caged compounds for protein modification

○Hideki Azuma1, Nagaoka Shinji1, Nagasaki Takeshi1 (1. Osaka Metropolitan University)

[[PB]-3pm-27]Development of novel artificial nucleic acids based on peptoid and their application

○Hidetomo Yokoo1, Sawa Takeda1, Yousuke Demizu1 (1. NIHS)

[[PB]-3pm-28]Detection of G-quadruplexes in cells by using fluorescence triphenyl methane derivative

○Daichi Okumura1, Ryoko Uda1 (1. National Institute of Technology, Nara College)

[[PB]-3pm-29]Analysis of repair capacity in droplets containing cleaved DNA

○Nonoka Tadachi1, Ryota Shima2, Ryusei Senda3, Ryu Tashiro4, Oyoshi Takanori1,3,5,6 (1. Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University, 2. National Institute of Technology, Numazu College, 3. Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, 4. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Suzuka University of Medical Science, 5. Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, 6. Research Institute of Green Science and Technology, Shizuoka University)

[[PB]-3pm-30]Development of technology using alkylating molecules for the analysis of higher-order structure of intracellular RNA

○Hina Hatayama1,2, Onizuka Kazumitsu1,2, Ping-Yun Lan1,2, Yutong Chen1,2, Emi Miyashita3,4, Kaoru Richard Komatsu3, Hirohide Saito4, Fumi Nagatsugi1,2 (1. IMRAM, Tohoku University, 2. Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 3. xFOREST Therapeutics, 4. CiRA, Kyoto University)

[[PB]-3pm-31]Ultrafast photo-crosslinking of purine bases in DNA strands using reversible DNA photo-crosslinking

○Akira Fujioka1, Rei Hirahara1, Kenzo Fujimoto1 (1. Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

[[PB]-3pm-32]Ultrafast photo-crosslinking of purine bases in DNA strands using reversible DNA photo-crosslinking

○Ryu Takesada1, Toya Odai1, Kenzo Fujimoto1 (1. Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

[[PB]-3pm-33]Development of pH-dependent novel RNA-binding molecules with light-up property

○Dylan Christian Thomas1,2, Kazumitsu Onizuka1,2, Ryosuke Nagasawa1,2, Kosuke Tsuzuki1,2, Fumi Nagatsugi1,2 (1. Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials (IMRAM), 2. Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University)

[[PB]-3pm-34]Interstrand crosslinking of oligonucleotides functionalized with 2'-deoxythioguanosines

○Jamila Abbas Osman1,2, Kazumitsu Onizuka1,2, Yuuhei Yamano1, Fumi Nagatsugi1,2 (1. Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, 2. Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University)

[[PB]-3pm-35]Development of a DNA double-duplex invasion into long oligonucleotides of 200bp or more using photo-responsive artificial nucleic acids

○RUI YANG1, Zumila Halili1, Kenzo Fujimoto1 (1. Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

[[PB]-3pm-36]Studies on base pairing properties of various deazaadenine nucleosides

○Hayata Ono1, Yuta Kanezawa1, Yoshio Saito1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Nihon University)

[[PB]-3pm-37]Development of DNA Aptamers that Discriminate the Phosphorylation Intermediate of Protein Tyr Phosphatase (PTP)

○Yuma Suzuki1, Yuki Hara1, Kazuhiro Furukawa1, Nunzio Bottini2, Yoshiro Chuman1 (1. The Univ. of Niigata, 2. The Univ. of California)

[[PB]-3pm-38]Development of a Visible-Light Cross-Linker Containing 19F and Its Application to Nucleic Acid Detection

○Tatsushi Noda1 (1. Japan Advaced Institute of Science and Technology)

[[PB]-3pm-39]Synthesis and function of artificial nucleobases with hypoxia-responsive substituents

○Yuho Ochiai1, Tatuya Nishihara1, Kazuhito Tanabe1 (1. Aoyama Gakuin University)

[[PB]-3pm-40]Development of a novel detection method for 5-methylcytosine using peptide nucleic acid and a fluorescent probe

○Mikoto Oike1, Jun Sumaoka1, Wataru Yohida1, Takahiro Arakawa1 (1. Tokyo University of Technology)

[[PB]-3pm-41]Synthesis and Evaluation of Nucleophilic Secondary Amine Incorporated Oligo DNA Aiming at Cleavage of Oxidative Damaged DNA

○So Nemoto1, Takashi Kanamori1, Hideya Yuasa1 (1. Institute of Science Tokyo)

[[PB]-3pm-42]Conjugation of Small Molecule Ligands to ASO for targeted drug delivery

○Remi Arie1, Daiki Shimamura1, Aya Miyauchi2, Shuri Kaneyama2, Eitaro Murakami1, Kohji Seio1, Yoshiaki Masaki1 (1. Sch. Life Sci. Tech., Science Tokyo., 2. Dept. of Biochem., Sch. of Med., Showa Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-43]ARCaDia: single-round screening of a DNA-type targeted
covalent binder possessing a latent warhead

○CHAOHUI LI1, Jay Yang2, Masayasu Kuwahara3, Masumi Taki1 (1. The Univ. of Electro-Communications, 2. Univ. of Wisconsin, 3. Nihon Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-44]Development of Anti-cancer Drugs for EGFR Using G-Quadruplex-Based DNA Aptamer: IRDAptamer

○Yuki Hara1, Hidetaka Hagiwara1, Toya Kobayashi1, Masataka Mizunuma1, Kazuhiro Furukawa1, Yoshiro Chuman1 (1. Niigata University)

[[PB]-3pm-45]Synthesis of γ-pcPNA for highly efficient double-duplex invasion

○Ren Iwai1, Jun Sumaoka1 (1. Tokyo University of Technology)

[[PB]-3pm-46]Enzyme-Catalyzed Methods for Site-Specific Incorporation of Photoisomerizable Molecules into DNA

○Sato Imai1, Mitsunobu Nakamura1, Tadao Takada1 (1. university of hyogo)

[[PB]-3pm-47]Development and Photophysical Characterization of Multi-Pyrene Aggregates Constructed Using the DNA Scaffold

○Yui Miyaji1, Mitsunobu Nakamura1, Tadao Takada1 (1. The Univ. of Hyogo)

[[PB]-3pm-48]Synthesis and properties of prodrug-type oligonucleotides activated by β-galactosidase

Kento Miyaji1, ○Keita Takeuchi1, Kohji Seio1 (1. Institute of Science Tokyo)

[[PB]-3pm-49]Synthesis and fluorescent properties of novel phosphorus atom modified pyrene and incorporation into DNA

○Ukyo Wakasa1, Tomohisa Moriguchi1 (1. Gunma university)

[[PB]-3pm-51]Synthesis of GalNAc-modified decoy oligonucleotides bearing non-nucleotide backbone

○Yuta motegi Motegi1, Nozomi Ishii1, Ichiro Matsuo1, Moriguchi Tomonao1 (1. Gunma university)

[[PB]-3pm-52]Synthesis and properties of oligonucleotides containing 5-methyluridine derivatives with sulfonate-type modifications on the 2´ hydroxyl group

○Taketo Oishi1, Shuntaro Takigawa2, Takahito Tomori2, Eitaro Murakami2, Yoshiaki Masaki2, Kohji Seio2 (1. Dept. Life Sci. Tech., Science Tokyo., 2. Sch. Life Sci. Tech., Science Tokyo.)

[[PB]-3pm-53]Photocatalyst-Introduced Oligo DNA Probe for Photochemical Labeling of Nucleic Acid

○Yuuhei Yamano1, Kazumitsu Onizuka1,2, Shinichi Sato3, Fumi Nagatsugi1,2 (1. IMRAM, Tohoku University, 2. Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 3. FRIS, Tohoku University)

[[PB]-3pm-54]Synthesis of artificial oligodeoxynucleotides modified with alkylated nitrobenzyl groups and their accumulation in hypoxic cells

○Ryo Sato1, Daigo Maehara, Tatsuya Nishihara1, Kazuhito Tanabe1 (1. Aoyama Gakuin University)

[[PB]-3pm-55]Evaluation of the cellular uptake and photoknockdown effects of photosensitizer-conjugated antisense oligonucleotides

○Nanai Yoshida1, Takashi Kanamori1, Shota Kaneko1, Shun-ichiro Ogura1, Hideya Yuasa1 (1. Science Tokyo)

[[PB]-3pm-56]Solid-phase synthesis of long-chain nucleopeptides

○Eri Matsumoto1, Yukino Fukushima1, Tomohisa Moriguchi1 (1. Gunma university)

[[PB]-3pm-57]Development of nucleic acid therapeutics with disulfide side cains that are cleved in cells

○Iizuka Kenta1, Kenmoku Tatuya1, Fujiwara Shoji1, Ono Akira1 (1. Kanagawa University)

[[PB]-3pm-58]Detection of tumor cells by the amplified signal through anti-CSV aptamer

○Mizuki Tsukui1, Mone Mori1, Yusuke Kitamura1, Yuta Nakashima1, Masaaki Iwatsuki2, Seitaro Kumamoto3, Keiichiro Yasuda3, Yousuke Katsuda1, Yoshitaka Nakanishi1, Toshihiro Ihara1 (1. Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, 2. Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University, 3. Ogic Technologies Co.,Ltd)

[[PB]-3pm-59]Synthesis and properties of thymidine dimers cross-linked between nucleobases using a branched self-immolative linker

○Narumi Habu1, Kento Miyaji1, Kohji Seio1 (1. Sch. Life Sci. Tech., Science Tokyo)

[[PB]-3pm-60]Synthesis of optically active epoxidized dihydrozerumbols via lipase-catalyzed highly enantioselective acetylation and elucidation of selectivity through docking simulations

○Ryoto Takahashi1, Yurika Terada1, Ayaka Kawamura1, Kazusa Hiraiwa1, Chieko Yamamoto1, Saki Tsujimoto2, Rikako Hiramoto1, Tomoko Watanabe1, Chikako Fujiwara2, Akane Kawai2, Gengo Kashiwazaki1, Yasushi Kawai3, Kaoru Nakamura4, Rio Yamanaka5, Mitsuaki Yamashita1,2, Takashi Kitayama1,2 (1. Grad. Sch. Agric., Kindai Univ., 2. Fac. Agric., Kindai Univ., 3. Nagahama Inst., 4. Independent Researcher, 5. Himeji Dokkyo Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-61]Lipase-catalyzed Mannich reaction in deep eutectic solvent-water systems

○Taito Nagamoto1, Hiroki Onishi2, Hideo Kojima1 (1. Osaka Metropolitan Univ., 2. Osaka Prefecture Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-63]Role of the catalytic loop of histidine decarboxylase based on X-ray crystal structure

○Hirfoumi Komori1, Nitta yoko2 (1. KAGAWA University, 2. Ochanomizu University)

[[PB]-3pm-64]Modification of gold nanorods with peptides containing cell recognition sites and evaluation of their cytotoxicity and anti-cancer drug carrying capacity

○Conoha Yamaoka1, Takahito Imai1, Masahiro Asano1, Ki-nya Tomizaki1 (1. Ryukoku University)

[[PB]-3pm-65]Metal-catalyzed selective hydroxylation of collagen model peptides

○Shun Oto1, Akihiro Marutani1, Yasushi Obora1, Yoshiaki Hirano1 (1. Kansai University)

[[PB]-3pm-66]In vitro selection of VHH antibodies targeting DNA aptamers

○Shota Todoroki1 (1. Saitama University)

[[PB]-3pm-67]Synthesis of peptide-modified gold nanorods with intracellular delivery function and their application to photothermal therapy

○Sooang Ahn1, Shoya Nakamura1, Shoya Fujimoto1, Takahito Imai1, Masayuki Yamasaki3,2, Kin-ya Tomizaki1,2 (1. Department of Materials Chemistry, Ryukoku University, 2. Innovative Materials and Processing Research Center, Ryukoku University, 3. Department of Food Sciences and Human Nutrition, Ryukoku University)

[[PB]-3pm-68]Polystyrene-based solid-phase redox catalysts promoting oxidative protein folding

○Yuri Aoyama1, Yuya Nishizawa1, Hayato Yokose1, Yosuke Okamura1, Kenta Arai1 (1. Tokai Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-69]Molecular Dynamics Study on Conformational Change of Human Collagen Prolyl 4-Hydroxylase.

○Kazuaki Fukushima1, Hiroyoshi Esaki1 (1. Hyogo Medical University)

[[PB]-3pm-71]Synthesis and characterization of cancer-specific peptides using mitochondria transfer signal peptide derivatives.

○Soshin Saita1, Masayuki Yamasaki1, Kin-ya Tomizaki1 (1. Ryukoku University)

[[PB]-3pm-72]Light-driven hydrogen production by a combination of a photosensitizer and a recombinant Escherichia coli whole cell

○Yuki Honda1, Kiho Maruyama1, Asumi Suzuki1, Hiroshi Fujii1 (1. Nara Women's Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-73]Development of a fluorescent biosensor for glycerol-3-phosphate

○Yuse Matsumura1, Fu Chai, Takuya Terai1, Robert E. Campbell1 (1. Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo)

[[PB]-3pm-74]Photo-electro-biochemical hydrogen production from water with semiconductor photocatalyst and whole-cell biocatalyst of recombinant Escherichia coli

Yuki Honda1, ○Reina Hamakawa1, Risa Yuki1, Hiroshi Fujii1 (1. Nara Women's Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-75]Investigation of Hemoprotein-catalyzed Carbene Transfer Reactions for the Diversification of Carotenoid Biosynthesis

○Tsukasa Murakami1, Shunsuke Kato1, Maiko Furubayashi2, Takashi Hayashi1 (1. Osaka University, 2. AIST)

[[PB]-3pm-76]Investigation on Mechanism of Antifungal Activity of Short Chain Length Poly(ε-L-lysine) against Saccharomyces cerevisiae

○Munenori Takehara1, Amane Tanimura1, Koki Tanaka1, Akira Aramoto1, Yoshiharu Inoue2 (1. The Univ. of Shiga Prefecture, 2. Kyoto Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-77]Bundling of self-assembling peptide nanofibers with photoresponsive polymers

○Shota Akimoto1, Noriyuki Uchida1, Takahiro Muraoka1,2 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech., 2. KISTEC)

[[PB]-3pm-78]Elucidation of a correlation between peptide sequences and the association numbers of peptide nanopore using statistical analysis and molecular descriptors

○Moe Kobayashi1, Fumihiro Kayamori1, Taisei Terao1, Peng Zugui2, Izuru Kawamura3, Ryuji Kawano2, Kenji Usui1 (1. Konan Univ., 2. Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, 3. Yokohama National Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-79]Enhancement of anticancer activity obtained by polymeric transition metal complexes and investigation of their delivery to tumor that can suppress immune responses

○Masatomo Kohro1, Yousuke Hirata2, Genta Aoki2, Hidenori Otsuka1,2 (1. Dept. of Appl. Chem., Facul. of Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 2. Dept. of Chem., Grad. Sch. of Sci.,Tokyo Univ. of Sci.)

[[PB]-3pm-81]Chemical properties and inhibitive effect of bifunctional catalytic antibody capable of simultaneously degrading CoV-2 RBD and receptor ACE2.

○Takaaki Yahiro1,6, Mirai Seki2, Moe Tsujita2, Hiroaki Taguchi3, Taizo Uda1,4, Emi Hifumi5,6 (1. OITA UNIVERSITY, Med., 2. OITA UNIVERSITY, Graduate School of Engineering, 3. SUZUKA UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE, 4. Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies, 5. OITA UNIVERSITY, Institute for Reseach Management, 6. OITA UNIVERSITY, Research Center for GLOBAL and LOCAL Infectious Diseases)

[[PB]-3pm-82]Prediction and Validation of Tripeptides with Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Activity by Machine Learning

○Mizuho Tanaka1, Toshiya Hatakenaka2, Yuki Fujimoto1, Tamaki Kato1 (1. Kyushu Institute of Technology, 2. Vital Resources Applied Laboratory)

[[PB]-3pm-83]Preparation of Chitosanase-Immobilized Resin Using 1H-1,2,3-Triazolecarbaldehyde Derivatives as N-terminal Modification Reagents and Evaluation of Enzymatic Activity

○Yuri Ainai1, Akira Onoda1,2, Mariko Kojima2, Ronny Martinez3 (1. Grad. School Env. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., 2. Grad. School Env. Earth Sci., Hokkaido Univ., 3. Department of Food Engineerin g, Universidad de La Serena)

[[PB]-3pm-84]Role of Ions in the Functional Cycle of Lipid Flippase MurJ Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations.

○Keina Murata1, Takaharu Mori1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Science)

[[PB]-3pm-85]Lipase-catalyzed galloylation of alcohols

○Chihaya Hase1, Hiroki Onishi1, Renshiro Otaka2, Hideo Kojima2 (1. Osaka Prefecture Univ., 2. Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-86]An Approach to Improving the Prediction Accuracy of Tripeptides with Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Activity Using Machine Learning

○Yuichi Nishi1, Mizuho Tanaka1, Toshiya Hatakenaka2, Tamaki Kato1 (1. Kyushu Inst. of Technology, 2. Vital Resources Applied Laboratory, Inc.)

[[PB]-3pm-87]Development of oxidative-folding-catalyzing dendrimers with hydrophobic branches

○Shunpei Iwamoto1, Haruka Toba1, Kenta Arai1 (1. Tokai Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-88]Importance of N-terminal helix of Orange Carotenoid Protein on the photoreaction

○Tadayuki Tokashiki1, Takatoshi Ohata1, Shunrou Tokonami2, Yusuke Nakasone1, Masahide Terazima1 (1. Kyoto Univ., 2. Gakushuinn Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-89]Prediction of cytotoxic peptide sequences using principal component scores and molecular descriptors.

○Taisei Terao1, Moe Kobayashi1, Akira Takekawa2, Tomohiro Umetani1, Fumihiro Kayamori1, Kenji Usui1 (1. Konan Univ., 2. Kobe University)

[[PB]-3pm-90]Enhancement of uptake of organelle-targeting peptides into mitochondria by microwave irradiation.

○Takuto Kariya1, Momo Hirata1, Nobuhiro Nakanishi2,3,4, Fumihiro Kayamori1,4, Kenji Usui1,3,4 (1. Konan University, 2. DSP Research, Inc., 3. Beyond5G Sociah experimentnt Academia Projectbe, 4. Research Institute for Nanobio-environment and Non-Ionizing Radiation)

[[PB]-3pm-91]A Novel Peptides for Inhibiting Amyloidogenesis of the Amyloid-Forming Region in SAA

○Daiki Nagao1, Takumi Hiramatsu1, Mizuki Ide1, Masatoshi Saiki1 (1. Sanyo-Onoda City University)

[[PB]-3pm-92]Theoretical Study on the Luminesent Reaction Process of Bioluminescent Protein Aequorin

○Tomohiro Ando1, Shigehiko Hayashi1, Toru Nakatsu2, Toshiya Funahashi3 (1. Grad. Sch. of Sci. Kyoto Univ., 2. Wakayama Med. Univ., 3. Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci. Kyoto Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-93]Different mechanical properties of the gamma-irradiated gelatin gels using the different cooling processes

○Masayuki Hara1, Hideki Mori1 (1. Osaka Metropolitan University)

[[PB]-3pm-94]Synthesis of fluorescent glucose with dansyl group

○BADA RONGGUI1, SAKUYA TORII2, MIO YANAGIDA1, HIRONORI UENO2, HIROFUMI NAKANO2 (1. Aichi university of education , 2. Aichi University of education)

[[PB]-3pm-95]Fusogenic liposomes containing pH-responsive malachite green as a DDS carrier

○Nanoha Uegaki1, Ryoko Uda1 (1. National Institute of Technology(KOSEN), Nara College)

[[PB]-3pm-96]Development of a Paper-Based Analytical Device for Pediatric Cancer Marker, Vanillylmandelic acid

○Yuuki Sadamitsu1, Shinji Goto1, Akimitsu Kugimiya1 (1. Hiroshima City Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-97]Development of a nanoparticle adjuvant system with a synthetic small molecule TLR7 ligand

○Moeka Tsutsumi1, Masahiro Wakao1, Hiroyuki Shinchi1 (1. Grad. Sch. Sci. and Eng., Kagoshima Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-98]Unveiling the intracellular dissolution mechanism of Carrier-free organic nanoparticle

○Jinwoo Sung1, Farsai Taemaitree2, Ryuju Suzuki3, Yoshitaka Koseki1, Hiroshi Uji-i2,4, Atsushi Wakamiya5, Hitoshi Kasai1 (1. Tohoku Univ., 2. Hokkaido Univ., 3. Sendai KOSEN, 4. KU Leuven, 5. Kyoto Univ.)

[[PB]-3pm-99]Integration of metal-organic frameworks with nanoendoscopy for intracellular delivery of unstable biomolecules

○Kai Huang1,2, Tomoko Inose1,2,3,4, Shuhei Furukawa1,2 (1. Grad School of Eng., Kyoto Univ., 2. iCeMS, Kyoto Univ., 3. The Hakubi center, Kyoto Univ., 4. JST PRESTO)