Session Details

[[PB]-3vn]20. Materials Chemistry -Basic and Application-

Fri. Mar 28, 2025 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM JST
Fri. Mar 28, 2025 6:45 AM - 8:15 AM UTC
Poster Site B(Hall, Shin-KansaiDaigaku-Kaikan North Bldg. [1F])

[[PB]-3vn-01]Relationship between glass transition temperature, substrate temperature, and enthalpy relaxation in the giant surface potential of vacuum-deposited organic films

○Tsuyoshi Tsujioka1, Hiroyuki Kawashima2, Kenji Koike2, Naoki Matsumoto2, Junwei Shen3, Shinichiro Nakamura3 (1. Osaka Kyoiku Univ., 2. Tosoh Corp., 3. Kumamoto Univ.)

[[PB]-3vn-02]Non-first order thermal isomerization reactions in vacuum-deposited amorphous spiropyran films

○Shinichiro Nakamura1, Tsuyoshi Tsujioka2, Junwei Shen1 (1. Kumamoto University, 2. Osaka Kyoiku University)

[[PB]-3vn-03]Synthesis and photochromic behavior of azadiarylethene with benzofuran at the ethene bridge moiety

○Saeri Tsuyama1, Daichi Kitagawa2, Seiya Kobatake2 (1. Osaka City University, 2. Osaka Metropolitan University)

[[PB]-3vn-04]Design and Synthesis of Novel AIEgens for Information Security and Anti-Counterfeiting Applications

○WEI-TING CHIEN1, Mei-Yu Yeh1 (1. Chung Yuan Christian University)

[[PB]-3vn-05]Synthesis of Imidazole-Thiophene Derivatives: Solvent Effects and Anion Sensing Applications

○WEI HSING1, Mei-Yu Yeh1 (1. Chung Yuan Christian University)

[[PB]-3vn-06]Flexible, Stretchable, and High-Performance Conductive Hydrogels for Human Motion Sensing

○CHIEN-YIN LIN1, MEI-YU YEH1 (1. Chung Yuan Christian University)

[[PB]-3vn-07]Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Properties of Intramolecular Charge Transfer Dyes Based on Quinoxaline Electron Acceptors with Electron-Withdrawing Substituents

○Masaki Nagaoka1, Keito Ueda2, Naoya Suzuki1,2, Shintaro Kodama1,2, Takeshi Maeda1,2, Shigeyuki Yagi1,2 (1. Osaka Metropolitan University, 2. Osaka Prefecture University)

[[PB]-3vn-08]Synthesis of phenothiazine derivatives for application to organic thin-film solar cells

○Shota Fujii1, Taiki Yamaoka1, Azusa Miwa1, Ami Ito1, Naohiro Takahashi1, Hirotaka Kitoh-Nishioka1, Senku Tanaka1, Takashi Okubo1 (1. Kindai University)

[[PB]-3vn-09]Preparation of photo-adhesive materials utilizing chemical property of 2-aminopyridyl group

○Hinata O1, Masahiro Furutani1 (1. National Inatitute of Technology, Fukui Collage)

[[PB]-3vn-10]Fabrication and characterization of photo-adhesive materials containing hydroxypyridyl groups

○Miku Matsui1, Masahiro Furutani1 (1. National Institute of Technology, Fukui College)

[[PB]-3vn-11]Preparation and characterizations of double-network hydrogels composed of silicone and organic polymers

○Kureha Ohmori1, Masaki Negoro1, Ai Kurahashi1, Satoshi Horike1, Kazuyoshi Kanamori1 (1. Kyoto Univ,)

[[PB]-3vn-13]Preparation of sulfated cellulose pulp with high water retention capacity and elucidation of molecular structures

○Sakura Morimitsu1, Ayato Nishimura1, Kenzo Deguchi3, Yuuki Mogami3, Kenjiro Hashi3, Shinobu Ohki3, Atsushi Goto33, Kazuhiko Yamada2 (1. Marusumi Paper Company Limited, 2. Kochi University, 3. National Institute for Materials Science)

[[PB]-3vn-14]The induction of supramolecular liquid crystals by the addition of small-molecule guests to phenanthroimidazole derivatives

○Natsuki Yabe1, Nobuyuki Hara1, Jun Yoshida1 (1. Nihon University)

[[PB]-3vn-15]Helix inversion in chiral nematic liquid crsytals by the use of chiral five-coordinate Ir complex as a dopant

○Yui Nishimura1, Kazuyoshi Takimoto2, Nobuyuki Hara1, Jun Yoshida1 (1. Nihon Univ., 2. Kitasato Univ.)

[[PB]-3vn-16]Circular polarized light from oriented films of π-conjugated polymer prepared by a SOFT method

○Daichi Sugimoto1, Temmaru Hirota3, Kota Sumida3, Ken-ichi Saitow3,2 (1. Hiroshima University, 2. Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development (N-BARD), 3. The Univ. of Hiroshima)

[[PB]-3vn-17]Structure and Properties of Oligodiphenylsiloxanes

○Takuma Uenobou1, Katsuhiko Takeuchi2, Hiroyuki Minamikawa2, Kazuhiro Matsumoto1,2 (1. Ibaraki Univ., 2. AIST)

[[PB]-3vn-18]Investigation of countermeasures against ultraviolet and ozone degradation of Ultraviolet protective film for rubber bearings

○Hidetaka Tsujimoto1, Tomoyuki Hishiyama2, Takehiko Himeno2 (1. Osaka Metropolitan University College of Technology, 2. Kawakin Core-Tech Co., Ltd.)

[[PB]-3vn-19]Evaluation of Room Temperature Hydrogen Storage Properties of Organic Porous Materials

○Keita Nakayama1, Osamu Oki2, Susmita Roy2, Naoko Ito2, Ryuki Tsuji2, Natsumi Noguchi3, Shin-ichi Ito2, Miwa Hikichi2, Shohichi Furukawa4, Shin-ichi Orimo4,5, Takahiro Kondo2,4,6,7 (1. College of Engineering Sciences, School of Science and Engineering , University of Tsukuba, 2. Department of Materials Science, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 3. Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 4. The Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR), Tohoku University, 5. Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University, 6. Tsukuba Research Center for Energy Materials Science, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 7. R&D Center for Zero CO2 Emission with Functional Materials, University of Tsukuba)

[[PB]-3vn-20]Synthesis and Polymerization Reactivity of Acetylene Monomers with Mesogenic Group in Side Chain

○Koki Ishiwata1, Hiroaki Kouzai1 (1. Kanto Gakuin University)

[[PB]-3vn-21]Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of 1D Nickel Complexes Containing Thiophene Units

○Keigo Kishida1, Tomoya Yaoita1, Devon Aditya Jobs1, Michihisa Murata1 (1. Osaka Institute of Technology)

[[PB]-3vn-22]Synthesis and Polymerization of Monosubstituted Acetylenes

○DAIKI ABE1, HIROAKI KOUZAI1 (1. The Univ. of Kantogakuin)

[[PB]-3vn-23]Prediction of Helical Twisting Power of Chiral Dopant by Machine Learning

○Kohsuke Matsumoto1, Aoi Nakamura1, Osamu Tsutsumi1 (1. Ritsumeikan University)

[[PB]-3vn-24]Synthesis and Luminescence Behavior of Rod-like Gold (I) Complexes with Ethylene Oxide Chains

○MOE MIZOBATA1, Kohsuke Matsumoto1, Osamu Tsutsumi1 (1. Ritsumeikan Univ.)

[[PB]-3vn-25]Liquid Crystallinity and Luminescent Properties of Cyclic Trinuclear Gold(I) Complexes with Chiral Moieties

○Misa Kitawaki1, Kohsuke Matsumoto1, Osamu Tsutsumi1 (1. Ritsumeikan Univ.)

[[PB]-3vn-26]Effect of Acetylide Ligands on Aggregation-Induced Emission of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Gold Complexes

○Haruna Morimoto1, Arushi Rawat1, Kohsuke Matsumoto1, Osamu Tsutsumi1 (1. Ritsumeikan University)

[[PB]-3vn-27]Development of Fullerene Synthesis Using Arc Discharge

○Tadahiro Ruike1, Taiga Simototitana1, Takayuki Saito1 (1. National Institute of Technology, Hachinohe College)

[[PB]-3vn-28]Physical and chemical characterization of activated carbons for gas-phase adsorption

○Takehiro Kaneko1, Masayoshi Hagiwara1, Maromu Yamada1, Hiroyuki Saito1 (1. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan)

[[PB]-3vn-29]Introduction of functional groups to promote carbonization of polystyrene

○Akihiro Nakao1, Yuta Nishina1 (1. Okayama University)

[[PB]-3vn-30]Thermally Stable Optically Active Chiral Carbon Materials

○Kunita Numabe1, Yoshimitsu Itoh1,2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 2. JST PRESTO)

[[PB]-3vn-31]Synthesis of Bismuth Oxide Quantum Dots by Liquid Phase Method

○Natsuko Mishima1, Yuta Aida1, Hayato Laurence Mizuno1, Yasutaka Anraku1, Toshiyuki Ikoma1 (1. Institute of Science Tokyo)

[[PB]-3vn-32]Photoelectrochemical Anisotropic Growth of Lead Sulfide under Linearly Polarized Light

○Shougo Tsukada1, Hiroyasu Nishi1 (1. University of Toyama)

[[PB]-3vn-33]Synthesis and Characterization of Heteroatom-Doped Rhombohedral Boron monosulfide (r-BS)

○Rimpei Ueno1, Karin Oiwa3, Jinyu Li1, Masashi Miyakawa2, Takashi Taniguchi2, Ryuki Tsuji4, Osamu Oki4, Takahiro Kondo4,5,6,7 (1. Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2. National Institute for Materials Science, 3. College of Engineering Sciences, School of Science and Engineering , University of Tsukuba, 4. Department of Materials Science, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 5. The Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR), Tohoku University, 6. Tsukuba Research Center for Energy Materials Science, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 7. R&D Center for Zero CO2 Emission with Functional Materials, University of Tsukuba)

[[PB]-3vn-34]Development of simple synthetic routes for metal oxide nanoarrays and their functions

○Tetsuro Soejima1, Yudai Serizawa1, Keigo Egashira1 (1. Kindai Univ.)

[[PB]-3vn-35]Fablication of magnetic element-doped indium tin oxide thin films by wet process

○Yukiyasu Kashiwagi1, Akira Fujimoto2, Yudai Ihara3, Kenta Noma3, Hiroyuki Enomoto3 (1. ORIST, 2. OIT, 3. OECU)

[[PB]-3vn-36]Synthesis and characterization of CaWO4 particles prepared by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method

Yuri Yoshida1, Akiko Kido1, Akiko Hokura1, Dai Mochizuki1, ○Jun Miyazaki1 (1. Tokyo Denki Univ.)

[[PB]-3vn-37]Light-absorbing silicon-based materials targeted to the blue light

○Takafumi Osuga1, Sae Hiratsuka1, Mitsushi Taguchi1, Tetsuji Hirano1, Kouji Sekiya1 (1. UBE Corporation)

[[PB]-3vn-38]Development and characterization of silica-coated polyion complex vesicles (Si-somes)

○Ririno Yamada1, Hayato Laurence Mizuno1,2, Masaki Takeguchi3, Xueying Liu2, Toshiyuki Ikoma1, Yasutaka Anraku1,2 (1. Institute of Science Tokyo, 2. Innovation Center of NanoMedicine, 3. National Institute for Materials Science)

[[PB]-3vn-39]Preparation of Elastic Modulus Modulated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Enhanced In Vivo Behavior

○Kenshin Mise1, Hayato Laurence Mizuno1, Yasutaka Anraku1, Toshiyuki Ikoma1 (1. Institute of Science Tokyo)

[[PB]-3vn-40]Elucidation of expression mechanism of antibacterial property on fluorinated-DLC

○Hayato Matsuoka1, Masahito Kawaguchi2, Kazuhiro Shintani3, Makoto Taki4, Muneaki Sakamoto3, Yasutada Suzuki3, Syunichi Oshima3 (1. Graduate school of engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, 2. Kanazawa Medical University, 3. Kanazawa Institute of Technology, 4. ONWARD GIKEN Co., Ltd.)

[[PB]-3vn-41]Development of anti-inflammatory and injectable hydrogel as cell scaffold by loading the Pt nanoparticles stabilized in polyplex into the scaffold

○Daiki Yajima1, Kyoya Matsumura2, Genta Aoki2, Hidenori Otsuka1,2 (1. Dept. of Appl. Chem., Facul. of Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 2. Dept. of Chem., Grad. Sch. of Sci.,Tokyo Univ. of Sci.)

[[PB]-3vn-42]Adsorption of Sc, Y, La ions by saponite-PAAm nanocomposite gel

○Seito Miura1, Shinichi Ishimaru1 (1. The Univ. of Tokyo Denki)

[[PB]-3vn-43]Controlled release of gallic acid by intercalation into the hydrotalcite interlayer

○Yuma Okajima1, Yoshiumi Kohno1, Daiyu Kodama2 (1. Shizuoka University, 2. Kamiya Riken Co.)

[[PB]-3vn-44]Selective adsorption of MoO42- from Cr-Mo mixed solution using Al-Mg LDH

○RUIYING ZHOU1, Shin'ichi Ishimaru1 (1. Tokyo Denki University)

[[PB]-3vn-46]Pore-networked beads based on metal-organic frameworks for pollutant removal in water

○Gaopeng Li1,2, Zaoming Wang2, Idaira Pacheco-Fernández2, Shuhei Furukawa1,2 (1. Grad School of Eng., Kyoto Univ., 2. iCeMS, Kyoto Univ.)

[[PB]-3vn-47]Design of porous PEG sponge hydrogels with deposited hydroxyapatite

○Kaho Takada1, Shohei Ishikawa1, Takamasa Sakai1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

[[PB]-3vn-48]Photoresponse Behavior of Dithiolene Ni Complexes with Alkoxyphenyl Groups doped LCs

Ai Okabe1, Qi WANG1, Mutsuo Tanaka1, Masahiro Miyashita1, Motoiyuki Furukawa1, ○Motoi Kinoshita1 (1. Saitama Institute of Technology)

[[PB]-3vn-49]Synthesis of naphthylethylamine based organic chiral molecules for control of one-dimensional helical arrangements of perovskite thin films

○Yuuki Hirohi1, Atsushi Fukasawa2, Raiki Satou1, Daiki Nakamura1, Hikari Suzuki1, Yusuke Kinoshita1, Shinji Tanaka3, Nagatoshi Koumura3, Ayumi Ishii1 (1. School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University, 2. Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University of Science, 3. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))

[[PB]-3vn-50]Characterization of liquid metals containing magnetic particles

○Osamu Ohtani1, Akihiro Yabushita2 (1. Omron Corporation, 2. Aichi university of technology)