Session Details


Fri. Mar 8, 2024 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM JST
Fri. Mar 8, 2024 4:45 AM - 5:30 AM UTC
School of Engineering 115(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)
Chair:Tomoaki TERASAKO, Takeyama Mayumi

[C-6-01]Characterization of ZrO2 film sputter-deposited at room temperature

○Mayumi B. Takeyama1,2 (1. Kitami Institute of Technology, 2. WOW Alliance Tokyo Institute of Technology)
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[C-6-02]Orientation analysis of Cu film deposited on (111) oriented TaN film

○Masaru Sato1, Mayumi B.Takeyama1 (1. Kitami Inst. of Tech.)
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[C-6-03]Pulse Response Properties of PEDOT:PSS/ZnO Nanorods/ZnO:Ga Heterostructures

○Tomoaki Terasako1, Masakazu Yagi2, Tetsuya Yamamoto3 (1. Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, 2. National Institute of Technology, Kagawa College, 3. Research Institute, Kochi University of Technology)
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