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[T3-O-1]A Review of STEM and Environmental Education in Automobile Engine Development by 2030 for Educational Content in Elementary and Secondary Schools

*Tomohiro TAKEBAYASHI1, Katsumi TAKEBAYASHI2, Yoshiaki AOKI4, Daisuke TAKEBAYASHI3,6, Yoshisuke KUMANO5,4 (1. Yamagata University; Fujinokuni Museum of Natural and Environmental History, Shizuoka, 2. Sakura ID Corporation, 3. Shizuoka Science Museum, 4. Shizuoka University, 5. Miyagi University of Education, 6. Shizuoka City Lifelong Learning Center)
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Environmental education,Diamond,Engine,Automobile,STEM education,STEAM,Geoscience Education

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