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[G1-O-2]Underwater Topography and Subsurface Structure of Okama Lake, Zao Volcano, Revealed by Acoustic Technology and Underwater Drones

*Shintaro YAMASAKI1, Akio GOTO2, Nobuo HIRANO3, Noriyoshi TSUCHIYA3,5, Tetsuya MATSUNAKA4 (1. Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, 2. Center of Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University, 3. Graduate school of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, 4. Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, 5. National Institute of Technology, Hachinohe College)
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Crater lake,side-scan sonar,sub-bottom profiler,sonar,sonar,subaquatic landslide,Zao volcano

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