Session Details

[2oral413-17]GG-1. sub_Engineering geology_Geological disaster_Technology

Mon. Sep 9, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM JST
Mon. Sep 9, 2024 6:00 AM - 7:15 AM UTC
oral room 4(General Education_Section1-131)
Chiar:Ken-ichi NISHIYAMA(Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, Tokushima University), Yoshihiro KASE(Hokkaido Research Organization)

[G1-O-1]AMS 14C dating of earth flow deposits at the foot of mountain slope in Aso volcano, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.

*Ken-ichi NISHIYAMA1, Masayuki TORII2 (1. Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, Tokushima University, 2. Center for water cycle, marine environment and disaster managemant, Kumamoto University)

[G1-O-2]Underwater Topography and Subsurface Structure of Okama Lake, Zao Volcano, Revealed by Acoustic Technology and Underwater Drones

*Shintaro YAMASAKI1, Akio GOTO2, Nobuo HIRANO3, Noriyoshi TSUCHIYA3,5, Tetsuya MATSUNAKA4 (1. Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, 2. Center of Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University, 3. Graduate school of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, 4. Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, 5. National Institute of Technology, Hachinohe College)

[G1-O-3]Reassessing the likelihood of landslides and collapses using confusion matrices


[G1-O-4]Development of a technique for determining smectite content using hyperspectral imaging: Feasibility assessment

*Shuro Yoshikawa1, Ryohei Hase2, Dohta Awaji2, Kiyomori Nakagawa3, Sakura Shimizu3, Tsubasa Otake4, Keisuke Nasuno4 (1. Institute of Technology, Shimizu Corporation, 2. Civil Engineering Headquarters, Shimizu Corporation, 3. Chi-ken Sogo Consultants Co., Ltd., 4. Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University)

[G1-O-5]Causes and ages of stratified tephra slide deposits in eastern Hokkaido, Japan

*Yoshihiro KASE1, Hiromichi KOYASU1, Kenji NISHINA1, Satoshi ISHIMARU1, Kan FUJIWARA1, Seiya USAMI1, Kenichi KOSHIMIZU1, Yuichi YOSHINAGA2, Masahiro MUROTA3 (1. Hokkaido Research Organization, 2. Disaster Prevention Geo-Research Institute Co., Ltd., 3. Hokushin Boring Co., Ltd.)