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[T15-O-4]Geological and Paleontological research on the fossiliferous Kurotaki Formation of the Cretaceous Izumi Group at Dogo-Himeduka, Ehime, Japan

*Rie S. HORI1, Takashi OKAMOTO1, Nao KUSUHASHI1, Takehisa TSUBAMOTO1, Kazuya SHIMOOKA2, Sera Takuma 4, Daito Toyo4, Motohiro Sumi3, Minoru Tsukagoshi5, Tamaki Sato6, Project Team Dogo-Himezuka Research (1. Department of Earth Science, Faculty of Science, Ehime University, 2. Kannsei Gakuinn University, 3. Geology course, Faculty of Science, Ehime University, 4. Department of Earth Science, Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Ehime University , 5. Osaka Museum of Natural History, 6. Faculty of Science, Kanagawa University)
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Late Cretaceous,Campanian,Izumi Group,Kurotaki Formation,fossil

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