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[G-P-15]Cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in quartz on eroding surfaces across an active fault (2nd Report)

*Wataru KUNIMATSU1, Shinya WADA1, Yoshiharu OTSUKA1, Akiyuki IWAMORI1, Nobutaka ASAHI2, Hiroshi YAMANE2, Ryo HAYASHIZAKI3, Eiji NAKATA3, Yuki MATSUSHI4 (1. The Kansai Electric Power Co.,Inc., 2. Dia Nippon Consultants Co., Ltd., 3. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 4. Kyoto Univ.)
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Cosmogenic nuclide,Fault activity evaluation,Shiraki-Nyu fault,Kojaku Granite,Denudation

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