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[T2-P-2]Changes in the water structure of the Antarctic coastal lake associated with ice sheet and sea level changes

*Takeshige ISHIWA1,2, Yuki TOKUDA3, Kota KATSUKI4, Takuya ITAKI5, Satoshi SASAKI6, Kaihe YAMAZAKI7, Takayuki OMORI8, Jun'ichi OKUNO1,2, Minoru IKEHARA9, Yusuke SUGANUMA1,2 (1. National Institute of Polar Research, 2. The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, 3. Tottori University of Environmental Studies, 4. Shimane University, 5. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 6. Gunma University, 7. University of Tasmania, 8. The University of Tokyo, 9. Kochi University)
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Antarctic Ice Sheet,Lake Sediment,Holocene,Ice sheet changes,Sea level changes

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