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[U-P-1]Heavy rainfall disaster in the northern part of Yamagata Prefecture, July 2024

Isao MOTOYAMA1, Kazuya MITSUJI2, Makoto KUMAGAI3, Yoshiyuki MURAYAMA3, Tomoo HASHIMOTO4, Masanari SATO4, Naoyoshi IWATA1, Shin-ichi KAGASHIMA1, Kazue ISHIGAKI3, Hiroshi YAGI3, 5 (1. Faculty of Science, Yamagata University, 2. Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University, 3. Faculty of Education, Art and Science, Yamagata University, 4. Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation, 5. Fukada Geological Institute)
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Shonai,Mogami,river flooding,landslide,debris flow

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