Presentation Guidelines

  Both oral and poster presentations must be given by pre-registered presenters.If you need to change the presenter due to unforeseen circumstances, please consult the secretant in advance. And, please prepare your presentation in English.

Oral Instructions
    • The presentation is to be conducted using your own PC. If you cannot prepare your own PC, please consult with the secretant in advance.
    • Both 16:9 or 4:3 slide sizes can be used, though 16:9 is recommended.
    • The IAWST2025 provides the following equipment at each session venue:
      • LCD projector
      • HDMI cable
      • Laser pointer
    • Each presentation times are as follows:
Presentation typeInvited talksOral Presentations
Total duration30 min15 min
Presentation talk25 min12 min
Q&A5 min3 min
    BELL→ First: Warning, Second: End of speech, Third: End of discussion
  • Please follow the chairperson's instructions during the presentation.
  • Please arrive at your own presentation venue at least 15 minutes before your presentation.
  • Slide previews can be held before the event and during breaks.
  • It is recommended that you copy the presentation slides to a USB thumb drive in case of any unforeseen problems. PCs available for rent from the Congress will be Microsoft Powepoint or Adobe PDF.
Poster Instructions
  • Your poster must be displayed on the specified panel between 15:00 and 18:00 on 17 March. The poster venue is SAKURA.
  • The recommended poster size is A0 portrait (841 mm x 1,189 mm). Posters larger than this cannot be displayed.
  • The poster must clearly indicate the registered name and affiliation and the title of the presentation.
  • The conference will start with a poster exhibition on 18 March between 8:00 and 18:00, and a poster presentation on 19 March between 9:00 and 12:00.
  • During the poster presentation time, presenters with odd presentation numbers should introduce their research between 9:00-10:30 and those with even presentation numbers between 10:30-12:00.
  • Your posters must be removed between 12:00-13:00 on 18 March. Any posters left on display after the specified time will be discarded by the Secretariat.