Presentation Information
[19a-A302-5]Observation of the stacking fault associated with partial dislocations in edge-defined film-fed grown (001) β-Ga2O3 characterized by synchrotron X-ray topography
〇(D)Sayleap Sdoeung1, Yuto Ostubo1, Kohei Sasaki2, Chia-Hung Lin2, Akito Kuramata2, Makoto Kasu1 (1.Saga Univ., 2.Novel Crystal Technology, Inc.)
Beta-gallium oxide,crystal defects,synchrotron x-ray topography
Beta-gallium oxide shows a wider bandgap than SiC and GaN, allowing it to be use for developing high perform electronic devices. However, crytal defect degrate the performance fo these devices. Therefore, identification of these defects is essential to realize high-performance power device. This study by using synchrotron X-ray topography observation, we determined the fault vector and Burgers vector of the stacking fault and dislocation, respectively.