Presentation Information

[19a-A307-6][The 29th Ionization Radiation Division Academic Award Speech] Semiconductor radiation detector and imaging device for room temperature operation

〇Toru Aoki1, Hiroki Kase1, Kento Tabata1, Junichi Nishizawa1, Katsuyuki Takagi1 (1.Shizuoka Univ)


radiation detector,radiation imaging device,semiconductor

Focusing on pn-junction CdTe diode-type detection devices using laser doping methods, we have been conducting research on compound semiconductor materials, detectors, readout circuits including ASICs, CT systems and higher-order information extraction energy discriminative imaging. CdTe as a material is difficult to heat-treateatment, making general semiconductor processes difficult. Through research and development of laser doping using ultra-short annealing time with a pulsed laser, we have achieved good junction formation and pattern doping. We also demonstrated photon-counting signal processing based on charge-digital conversion, which incorporates the concept of nanovision science, in an ASIC, and developed practical photon- and charge-counting energy-discriminative X-ray imaging devices, which we extended not only to CdTe but also to TlBr and other materials.