Presentation Information

[19a-D903-7]Investigation of room-temperature wafer bonding of III-V compound semiconductor

〇Yuta Nishidate1, Keito Hisatsune1, Kazuki Uchida1, Syougo Yamada1, Kouichi Akahane2, Uchida Shiro1 (1.Chiba Inst., 2.NICT)


room temperature wafer bonding

Room temperature wafer bonding method is a technique that can bond materials with different lattice constants at room temperature. In this study, Ⅲ-Ⅴ compound semiconductors were bonded, systematically changing the FAB (fast atom beam) irradiation conditions. In a result, it was found that the interface resistance of the bonded sample decreased with increasing the FAB applied voltage. However, it became difficult to bond them, due to the increase of the sample roughness