Presentation Information
[19p-A202-2]RBF-ANN Based Sequential Optimization of Operating Conditions in Nanoparticle Synthesis using Tandem Modulated Induction Thermal Plasma with Intermittent Synchronous Feeding
〇Yasunori Tanaka1, Yurina Nagase1, Rio Okano1, Yusuke Nakano1, Tatsuo Ishijima1, Satoshi Kitayama1, Shiori Sueyasu2, Shu Watanabe2, Keitaro Nakamura2 (1.Kanazawa Univ., 2.Nisshin Seifun Gr.)
Nanoparticles,Inductively coupled thermal plasma,Mass production
We have developed the "Tandem-PMITP+TCFF method" as a method for mass production of nanoparticles, and have actually succeeded experimentally in synthesizing a large amount of nanoparticles at a high production rate of about several hundred g/min. However, the number of parameters that can be controlled is extremely large, and it is not easy to optimize them. In this report, we investigate the optimization of operating conditions for the main control parameters of nanoparticle production using the Tandem- MITP + TCFF method by applying a numerical thermofluid model and machine learning techniques.